★Celebrity!Crush X Fan!Reader★ Your Number #1 Fan

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Celebrity!Crush X Reader
Your Number #1 Fan


~Y/N's POV~

It's summer and I'm currently sitting in the living room watching an interview, and the one being interviewed.. happens to be.. C/N, C/N L/N. My crush, It isn't a celebrity Clcrush.. he's actually my crush, it's confusing but.... I have a crush on him, but not because he's a celebrity.. but because ... I know him personally,
C/N is my classmate.. well I guess he Was my classmate. What I'm saying is kinda confusing but. Here's a quick flashback

~Flashback (Before C/N became a Celebrity)~

I was in the classroom waiting for the bell to ring, when the bell rang. All of us stood up and got our stuff, B/F/N wasn't with me today, She was absent today... but I think I know the reason why, She probably overslept...AGAIN. I sighed and was about to leave the classroom when

"Is it true C/N!? You really got past the audition for a commercial?" I heard C/F say. Some of my classmates were surrounding the two of them, I decided to get closer to them. I'm really curious of what's happening..

"Yeah..C/F, But it's just a commercial though nothing big.." C/N said scratching the back of his head, he looks really cute! I'm fangirling inside.

"Are you serious C/N? You have a chance to become a celebrity!" C/F said

"That's impossible C/F.." C/N said. Looking at C/F

"NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE C/N!" C/F yelled standing on his desk

"Umm... C/F I don't think you should do that.." C/N said

"Why—" C/F Said . But was cut of

"C/F WHY ARE YOU STANDING ON YOUR DESK!? get down from there!" Our teacher said, whom just entered the classroom to get her stuff

"That's why.." C/N Muttered

"Sorry!" C/F said. Scratching the back of his neck

"Class why are you still here? It's lunch time, go to the cafeteria." our Ms.Burlington said, we all went out and to the cafeteria. but there was just one problem.... without B/F/N I'm all alone.. I usually sit with B/F/N, but sometimes we sit with C/N and C/F but.. If it's just me.... I sighed

"Hey Y/N! Where's B/F/N?" C/F asked

"She's absent, remember?.." I said

"Oh, right! I forgot.. anyway come sit with me and C/N!" He said gesturing
to where he and C/N sat at. I nodded and placed my tray then sat down
beside C/F

"So...C/N. What were you and C/F talking about?" I asked

"That.. well it's just a commercial that I'm going to be in... nothing big.. but
C/F here.. keeps saying I have a chance of becoming a celebrity...but I don't know if that's even possible" C/N said

"Anything is possible If you believe in yourself C/N! " I said

"You really think so Y/N?" C/N asked

"Yep!" I said

"See C/N, even Y/N agrees!" C/F said

"I'll be your number one fan C/N!" I said. C/N had a tint of pink on his cheeks

"If Y/N is your number one fan then I'll be your bestfriend!" C/F said

"What are you talking about C/F? you're already my Bestfriend." C/N said.

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