Creating the Future we want

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The planet earth is just a planet by itself but it doesn't have a future without human beings. Humans are complicated, greedy, ambitious, arrogant, selfish and etc.... But are also capable of doing great things. Half of the billions of the people have unlimited satisfaction. To create a future we all want, people should unite against all odds for the sake of our planet earth by the Grace of GOD.

Earth is shaking! Ice is melting! Sea is rising! Mountains are trembling! Clouds are being poisoned! What good would come out of all these infelicitous things happening? There are many various reasons why our beautiful magical world is warming day by day. Cutting down trees, setting forests on fire, building dams in the rivers, throwing toxic wastes in oceans, producing bio weapons and many more of these are hurting the earth which would affect all the creatures including human beings in a bad way. However, we need these things to live in this modern day. Nevertheless, I'd like to suggest that we all should limit our desires, greediness and selfishness for the greater good of our living earth.

All kinds of trees are precious. They help to stop global warming and control the weather. Let me give you an example! A painting could be worth millions of dollars because of a talented painter who drew that painting which is in the hands of the painter who could do anything to it the way he feels like it. Just like it, people are the painters of the planet earth and the world is the face of the painting and the trees are the painting colours we illustrate. In my opinion, people are responsible for what they do because that depends on the future of our earth.

Ice is melting very fast and the earth is shaking every day. The ozone glacier which is protecting the ultra violet rays from the sun is damaging pretty fast because of the emissions of the carbondioxide gas from millions of cars we use each day.

Earthquakes are causing tsunamis which could cause disastrous endings to our environment.

Easier said than done. Replanting trees are necessary. We still have hope to save the future. One man can't save the future. However, if we are united and we help each other, we can see a happy future for our next generations. If I grow trees or plants in my compound or environment, I think I'll be helping to make a better future. If everyone would participate, we can create our own future we really want.

Creating The Future We WantWhere stories live. Discover now