Dear diary

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Dipper POV
Phew so yesterday was a weird and scary day, we nearly got killed by ghosts and I had to do the lamby lamby dance *shiver* so today is for relaxing purposes only, usually I'd be reading the third journal again looking for some sort of clue about the author in the journal but now I have a new mystery and this one might be resolved quicker, who wrote the diary I found in that old castle and how is it connected to my dreams?
I lay down on the bed in the castle and open the diary:
Dear reader,
I honestly don't think that anyone will ever read this diary but if it is found I would be very glad that someone knows the truth of what is happening, right now I'm sitting in a cell in the dungeons of this castle, my family and subjects are leaving this place for another "pure" land, I will be executed when the entire village has moved, now your probably wondering who am I and what did I do to deserve the penalty of death, well that's why I'm writing this in the first place.
This diary was a gift from someone very dear to me but I didn't really need it until now, I was accused of witchcraft, which in a way is true, I do know magic but that doesn't necessarily mean that I'm going to use it for evil I could use it for good like the royal sorcerer, the only reason that I'm being accused of being a witch is because I'm friends with a paranormal entity named Bill Cipher, what everyone knows about him is wrong he isn't evil just lonely and weird and very misunderstood, which is why I'm writing this diary I am hoping that someone out there finds it and spreads the truth so this never happens again I tried explaining but no one listened, no one ever listens.
This story isn't a fairy tale, this story doesn't end in happily ever after because it's real life and everything in here is true even though most of these things seem impossible, I might not even get the chance to finish this story because of the timeline I have, i do hope with all of my heart that if anyone reads this they'll believe me and try to fix what has been broken.
This is my story, princess Alkaid 'dipper' Emyr.

Dipper couldn't believe her eyes this diary belonged to a princess and was written by her right before her death, but what really shocked her is the fact that she had they same nickname as her, just who excactly was this girl, I was about to turn the page and find out when my phone rang "ugh come on! Hello?....... Oh hey mabes what's up? think Larry King's head is in the vent?......... huh that does sound like something he would say, okay I'm on my way" I hung up put the diary behind the bed and just then I remembered the name that the diary mentioned 'bill cipher why does it sound familiar?' I reached in my vest and got the journal out and scanned the pages a little bit and found it "beware bill the most powerful creature I've ever encountered whatever you do, do not let him into your mind" I read aloud "so he's a bad guy?" I asked myself aloud 'but wait the diary said that everything they knew about bill was wrong, that he was just lonely, weird and misunderstood, besides the author doesn't know about this place if he did he would love encountered the diary and he would know that bill is just a big 'ol sweetheart' I thought and then realized what I just thought "wait how do I know that? This place must be getting to me" I left the castle, though I can't help but feel like I'm being watched? I hurry up a bit more to go back.
???? POV
I see her walk faster through the woods "heh heh finally the puzzles pieces are together at last, or rather the wheel pieces are together at- you know what it was fine with the whole puzzle thing, anyway finally the fun can begin! AHAHAHAHAHA"

OMG guys I am so so sorry I was just kinda stuck, since I had already written the chapter introducing bill but it felt a bit rushed and I didn't know if I would make him oblivious to the plot or he does know what's going on, anyway I just decided to start with the diary and a visit from you know who, thank you to the people that still have this in eighteen their public or private libraries, you are so loyal, anyway goodbye for now, hopefully I'll update soon but it isn't very likely.

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