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Leeds, England.

Safaa woke up sweaty and afraid. She touched her right forearm as she felt some sort of pain but there was nothing!

'It's so strange.' She thought. She was going to sleep but she screamed in pain as it seemed like something was pushing hard into her chest. Her screams woke up her roommate Maya who came as fast as possible. She hugged her friend and tried to calm her. When she hummed a song that was played by Safaa's music box, the terrified woman drifted to sleep. She mumbled some words like 'Sanam'. Maya found it odd that her friend would pronounce someone's name that she never heard about before. Safaa and she were best friends since kindergarten. Life wasn't fair with Safaa as she had been adopted in India by a good family but unfortunately, her adoptive parents died in a car crash when they just arrived in England so her governess had taken care of her since she was four. When Safaa finally fell asleep, Maya kissed her forehead and went to sleep as well.

Punjab, India.

As Aahil was smiling evilly behind the woods, watching Sanam's dhaba destroyed by the fire, the poor woman had been ejected from the place because of the explosion. Her unconscious body laid on the road and for a while, Aahil felt guilty because he didn't expect Sanam nor her family to sleep in the dhaba. But they had done so as they were tired so they decided to sleep in the dhaba instead of going to their house, plus they had rooms to sleep in so it wasn't a big matter.

Dilshad looked for her granddaughter until she found her on the road.

"Sanam!!" She shouted as she ran towards her granddaughter. She took her weak body into her arms and hugged her granddaughter while she prayed to god to keep Sanam safe as she wouldn't be able to live if Asad's daughter died. She promised on her life that if she lost another daughter, she would die as well. Sanam and Haaya were her only family. She lived for them and only for them.

"Sa-Sa-Sanam beta, please wake up! I can lose you!" Haaya seeing her sister in a poor state ran away to search for help. Dilshad saw that Sanam was burnt on her right arm just like Zoya and her chest was covered in blood. She kissed Sanam's forehead and kept her head close to her heart.

"Auntie Najma...." Sanam whispered and Dilshad cried more.

"Thank you my little Tomato. Thank you for having protected your niece." Dilshad cried as the ambulance was coming to drive Sanam to the hospital. They rushed Sanam to the hospital and Aahil followed them behind. His goal wasn't to harm someone, he just wanted to give Sanam a lesson for her slap earlier this day by burning her dhaba.

Sanam's state was very worrying as she could've died because of her injuries so Dilshad and Haaya kept praying for the woman's recovery.

Leeds, England.

Safaa woke up the next morning as worried as ever. She had that feeling that something wrong had happened. Anyway, she had decided to go to South Shields to visit her governess.

South Shields, England.

Zoya woke up at the sound of Asya's voice. She hurriedly put some clothes on and got out of the room to welcome her family. She kissed Asya and Maheer on their cheeks and greeted Ayaan, his wife, and Sheereen.

" Ammi, did you already have breakfast?" She inquired.

"Don't worry Zoya. Ayaan has bought croissants, you just have to prepare some chai." Sheereen answered and Zoya just nodded before going to the kitchen.

Punjab, India.

Sanam had finally woken up. Dilshad and Haaya were relieved to see their Sanam all right.

"Daadee, I think when I'll be better, I'm gonna look for a job." Sanam declared.

"No Sanam, we will find another way to earn money. Get some rest now." Dilshad said. She must have sound selfish but she wouldn't let Sanam be away from her. When Dilshad and Haaya left to buy some food, Aahil took the opportunity to visit Sanam.

"You!" She exclaimed.

Surprisingly, he got on his knees whispering "I'm sorry". Sanam looked at him in disbelief.

"I'm sorry but I don't understand."

Then he said it: "I was the one who burnt your dhaba."

"What? Why?" She asked crying. Why someone whom she barely knew would do something inhuman like that?

"I wanted to take my revenge for the slap yesterday. I didn't know that you were in the dhaba."Sanam fumed with anger.

"How could you! This dhaba was everything we had my family and me! You destroyed my life! Get out of here right now!" She shouted. "You, Mr whatever your name is, I don't want to see your face anymore! I thought that being a rich person you'll have at least some respect but I did a big mistake!"Aahil left the room ashamed. She was right. And he knew that he had to do something to make her forgive him. Even though they barely knew each other, he couldn't leave thinking that he had destroyed her life. That was when an idea popped into his mind.

He called his brother Rehaan.


"What do you want, Aahil?"

"I need you to do something for me."

South Shields, England.

Safaa had finally arrived at her governess's house. Priya Mukherjee had settled in England for Safaa, to make her feel that she had something to rely on. Safaa hugged her governess whom she was used to calling Ammi. They ate some meal prepared by Priya then they left for a walk.

"Ammi, actually, I wanted to ask you something."

"Go on beta."

"I just wanted to know if you knew something about my family... I mean, my real family."

"No, I'm sorry, why?"

"I think it's time for me to find them. Except for the music box, I don't know anything about them but I know that God will help me find them." Safaa took the music box out of her bag and opened it.

She listened to the music box while she cried on her Ammi's shoulder.

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