You're One Of Us

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Your POV

You followed Jackal to the cells. Zeref had told you how powerful these demons are so you didn't want to try and do anything. You just let them do their business. Jackal put chains on your wrists "You seem extremely calm when I'm putting you in chains (Y/N)" Jackal said while locking the chains "Let's just say whatever you do to me. Won't hurt me. I just came here to find Zeref. I mean no harm to you demons" I spoke to him. "Well that's good cause you don't want to see us in action" he closed the cell door and locked it "You'll be getting one meal. Once a day with only three cups of water. Conserve what you get. Don't waste it" he walked away

~~~~~~Magical Time Skip~~~~~~

I woke up to be chained up in a chair and in front of me was the leader of the nine demon gates. Mard Geer. I looked at him with a confused look. "Where am I?" I asked the guy with the long dark hair. "You're still in Tartaros heard Jackal say as he bent down next to me "Make one move and you're dead" he whispered in my ear with a sexy lust voice. I tried moving my head away

"So you know who Zeref is..?" The guy in front of me said.

"Yes. Not that it's any of your business"

"Oh but it is. Tell me how you do know him and where he is"

"I don't know that's why I came here to find him. He talked about this placed so I came here"

"Let's make a deal then. You tell me one secret. The secret behind how close you got to him. If he told you about our guild you must have some type of black magic. And I'll let you go if you do"

"If I tell you you won't let me go. Cause of my. Certain. Death. Magic"

"You must be trying to kill yourself to say that you have the same curse as Zeref"

"I'm not. How could I if I'm cursed. I wouldn't be able to do that anyways"

"Test Jackal. See if it's true. Test her blood and everything. And if it's true. Turn her one of us" he grinned

Okay I know it's a big short and boring but it will get interesting in the next chapter

Love you all hope you enjoyed!


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