Chapter 3

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I awake from my slumber to see my dad standing over me. He grins and says, "Hi!" I scuffle to my feet, slightly worried. He exclaims, "Your mom is in the kitchen and she wanted me to wake you, but you looked so peaceful." I smiled and walked with my dad to the kitchen. I see my mom baking some chicken. Her boyfriend, Daniel, is sautéing the green beans. I can feel the awkwardness in the air. I try to make small talk and ask, "So, what's for dinner, mom?" and she responds, "Chicken with green beans!" she's speaking in her fake-perky voice. I can tell that she is nervous being around my dad.

I relieve her, and lead my dad into our living room. He plops down on the couch and sees my dirty look. He chuckles and apologizes. He says, "So you know that guy that you are obsessed with?" I grin and say, "Yeah, Jacob Sartorius!" he tells me, "Well, I know some people, and I could probably get you tickets to see him." I smile from ear to ear. "Really dad?!" He laughs and says , "I'm not positive yet, but I'm very confident that we can get you in. How would you like a day with your two favorite guys in the world?" I squeal and say, "Of course, omg dad I love you so much!!"

My mom interrupts us and states that dinner is ready. I walk to the table. I'm not really hungry, but I know how uncomfortable my mom would be if I left her alone with my dad and Daniel. I pick at my food for most of the meal. My mom and dad try to make small talk, but it's so weird. Seeing both of my parents sitting at a dinner table, being polite with each other. It seems so foreign.

Once the dinner is over, my mom sends my dad on his way. When my dad exits the door my mom turned around and rolled her eyes. I guffawed. She said, "That was so painful." I say, "Same!" She clears the table and rushes up the stairs. She told me that she needed a hot shower after that. I go to my room. I post on my blog and tell all my readers that I'm meeting the love of my life. Some are salty and comment hate, but most of them congratulate me. I'm so excited that I just stalk all of his social media and Google pictures of him. I'm trying to decide which picture to use for my poster.

Minutes later my mom peaks her head in my door and yells, "Get off of your laptop! You need to be in bed." I shut my laptop and change into my pajamas. I can't sleep because I can't get my brain to stop making up scenarios for when I meet him. I finally shut my eyes and drift off...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2016 ⏰

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