Chapter 4

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I called Natalia down because of what was on the news. 

"What's wrong love?" she asks concerned. 

"Look Taylor Swift had just gotten into an accident" I answered. 

"You're laughing inside aren't you?"

"Now just because I'm best friends with Harry and don't like Taylor doesn't mean I'm going to laugh at that" I giggled. Liam laughed.

"So you are?" Andy asked clearly amused by the situation. 

"No, I mean I don't like her but I wouldn't be a bitch and laugh about it."

Liam tightened his arms around me "you're just the sweetest girl babe."

I turned on my stomach throwing Sia off by accident "your sweetness is rubbing of on me babe." I kissed Liam's nose then he moved his head to meet my lips. I giggled and then gasped.

Liam pulled back "what? Did I bit your lip?"

"No! We forgot about the dinner at my mum's tonight!"

"Babe chill. Just call your mum and tell her we fell asleep and we will be over in a little bit."

"Alright, yea that's a good idea!"

on the phone with mum.

mum- What the hell?!?! I thought we were having dinner tonight with this boy whom I still have no clue what his name is.

me- sorry mum we fell asleep we'll be over in a little bit and his name is Liam

mum- oh okay and last name?

me- Payne.

mum- wait!!!! The Liam Payne?!?!?!?!?!

me- *laughs* yes. 

mum- so you've seen Niall again?

me- yes I don't know if he remembers me though.

mum- So ask him. Anyway, I'll see you in a bit I've got to make my best dish for LIAM FUCKING PAYNE!!!!!

me- okay mum and alright

end of phone conversation.

"What'd she say about Niall?" Liam asked.

"To see if he remembers me" I answered. 

"Love I'm pretty sure he does because he never gives anyone his chocolate, only his friends can have some and he gave you a whole entire bag of chocolate."

"Really he still does that?" Liam laughed and nodded his head.

Niall walked downstairs just then "here's your chance babe ask him" Liam said.

Niall looked at us then "ask me what?"

I looked at Liam who nodded his head at me. I looked at Niall 'I was just wondering.."

"What's up love?"

"Do you you remember me? From high school?"

Niall started laughing. Once he control himself he answered "of course I do love. You know me I don't give away chocolate to just anyone. You have to be really good friends with me to get some."

 "True. I can't believe we ran into each other again!"

Niall laughed "same here. Study hall was the best with you. Pranking those teachers. I bet they were happy when I left."

I laughed "oh my god!!! I over heard them talking and they were looking at me and saying that they were happy you left because now I don't have anyone to prank them with."

"Oh my god that's great!!! But I do feel bad for leaving you there with all them ass holes."

"I know right!! And it's fine I completely understand."

"Yea but I still feel bad like that girl Trisha that came up to you in study hall the last day I was there was a really big bitch and I can't believe she said that to you that was completely rude and absolutely none of her damn business."

"Raelly it's ok, they do it here too."

"Wow that's fucked up. Can't you go to online school? Liam's probably gonna do that."

I looked at Liam who was looking at Niall looking pissed then he looked at me and sighed "I was gonna tell you babe really I was."  

When?" was all I asked. 

"When what babe?"

"When you going to the new school?"

"On Monday, they sent me a letter yesterday saying that everything is fixed and I will start school Monday."

"What had to be fixed?"

"They call the school you're in and let them know that you're going to be going to online. Are you upset? I can stay at school if you'd like.."

"No don't stay I'll just have to suck it up I guess."

"Can't you do it too?" Natalia pitched in, finally speaking scaring me because I forgot she was there.

"No, my mum wants me to go to school." 

"Yes go to school as in anywhere as long as it's somewhere" Andy said.

"Wow that took me forever to understand that!! I cannot believe I was such an idiot!!! Babe tonight at dinner I'm gonna talk to her about going to online school."

"Nice job" Andy said. I took my flatt off and hit him in the face. He started laughing.

"That sounds good babe. Maybe since you're old enough maybe you can move in with me and we can go to school together."

"That'd be great."

"You think your mum would be upset with you moving out? And once we're done with school I'm going to be taking you with me wherever I go and I'll make sure to let you visit your mum as much as possible."

"Yea she'll be upset but she'll have to get over it because it's my choice not hers."


"Exactly" I laughed "so shall we get going to my mums for dinner?"

"Yea let me grab my keys and we will be on our way" he kissed my cheek and went to grab his keys.

"So Natalia does this mean you're going to online school too?" 

"Yes it does, I'm the one who came up with the idea" she answered "I'm not good with those teenange bitches."

I laughed "yea I can't deal with them either that's why I'm a loner."

Natalia laughed and Liam came downstairs with keys in his hands.

"Ready babe?" Liam asked.

"Yes, let's go. Bye Natalia." I said.

"Bye love" Natalia waved.

So Liam and I were off to my mums for dinner.

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