Chapter 12 What Needs To Happen

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Nicki's P.O.V

I'm soo happy to finally get out of this hospital.I leave tomorrow and i get to see my girls again and have this other little one.I wonder what it is.I think Chris is mad at me since i did try to kill our child.He might not be but i'll text him after this lady stops looking at me weird and shit.

Nurse:Um.. excuse me but are u Nicki Minja?

Me:Yea the one and only-points to self-

Nurse:OMG can i get a picture with u to show my friends

Me:Of course anything for the fans.

Nurse:Thanks-takes picture-

Me:U know u have another celebrity in these hospital right


Me:My husband,Chris Brown

Nurse:Oh for real i don't like him that much like i do u

Me:Oh when do they serve real food instead of this lumpy bullshit

Nurse:-Laughs-It's not bullcrap i think it's chicken or turkey

Me:-Giggles-So why do they not just serve us horse's ass

Nurse:-Laughs harder-u're gonna get me in trouble i'll see u later Ms.Brown

Me:It's Ms.Minja-frowns-

Nurse:Oh yes ma'am i have to go take care of Mrs.Lewis so be good

Me:Yes and thank u

The nurse nodded her head and left the room.It became so quiet but u could hear only the tv and people chatting in the hallway.I received a text.

ChrisBownBae:Hey can we talk on the phone

I called him and after 1 ring he answered.



 Chris:U sound sad,what's wrong

Me:Well i'm guessing u probably already know i'm 2 months pregnant with ur kid and i'm tired



Chris:Yea i'm here.I was just thinking.....


Chris:I think we should keep it

Me:-Shocked-U do

Chris:Yea i mean it'll be great to see Dani,Shay,and Jai play with their sister or brother

Me:Oh I love u bae

Chris:-Laughs-I love u too

Me:What happened to u??I wasn't aware of u being in here too

Chris:I was in a bad car accident,broke several bones and now i can't walk.I'm also temperately paralyzed from the waist down.

Me:-Softly crying-Oh baby i should've been there to comfort u but i was in this shitty hospital.

Chris:-Chuckles-Bae u know u on speaker phone and a doctor's listening right

Me:Oh shit i'm so sorry Dr.Mark

Dr.Mark:U good Ms.Minja

Me:Ok babe i gotta go.Mrs.Lauren just came in to check up on me.

Chris:Bye babe love u

With that I hung up the phone and quietly screamed since Lauren is in the room.

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