Merry Christmas

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Shout out to 'iwanttolive_forever', 'lexime', 'jamieml', Jasmine, Elizabeth, and everyone else for being so loyal for reading my book. Thank you for the votes and comments!

-two weeks later-

Jake and I have been living with Cory and Izzie for about two and a half weeks now.

Today is Christmas.

My dad, excuse me, I mean David, has not tried to contact me at all. He is probably getting ready for his stupid wedding.

I have no idea who is walking me down the isle. Probably Cory.

I have a small baby bump already. Jake and I are going to the doctor tomorrow, because they are closed today.

I don't know if it's going to be a boy or a girl and I certainly don't know what to name it.

I also have no idea if I should keep it.

Having a baby is such a huge responsibility and with both of us only 17, how can we support it?

"Babe, are you okay?" I am snapped out of my thoughts by Jakes soothing voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just kind of zoned out for a second." I reply sighing.

"Well be happy baby, it's Christmas!" He says smiling.

"Yeah you're right." I whisper, pressing a kiss on his cheek.

"Foods ready!" Izzie screams from the kitchen.

I jerk upward and rush to the kitchen. "Thank god! I am starving."

Woah. I never thought I'd say something like that before.

Everyone looks at me in the kitchen, dumbfounded looks upon their faces from what I said.

"What? I'm eating for two now!" I say, defensively.

Cory laughs, "it could be twins." He says smirking, adding a wink.

I smack him on the chest and sit down. "No." I state and start filling my plate with food.

"I think it's going to be a girl." Izzie says, sitting down beside me.

"No, it's going to be a boy." Jake adds, sitting in front of me.

"No, it's going to be a unicorn." Cory smirks, making us all laugh.

"I vote for the unicorn." I shove mashed potatoes in my mouth, savoring the sweet taste of the butter.

"What are you going to name it?" Izzie asks, curiously.

"Probably nothing. If I name it I will get attached and I'm probably gonna put it up for adoption." I confess, slowly chewing my ham.

They all just frown and continue eating.

"Present time!" Cory exclaims like a child, running to the tree.

"Why have a baby when we have Cory?" I elbow Jake in the ribs and we crack up laughing.

"I second that motion." Izzie adds, coming up behind us.

We all sit on the couch, except Cory sits in the floor, handing us all presents.

I get the first present. "Merry Christmas kitten." Jake smiles at me and hands me a huge box with crisp red wrapping paper and a glittery yellow bow at the top.

"Don't shake it." Jake says, as I put the box to my ear about to shake.

I give a confused look and untie the bow, and pull the lid off the box.

I look down in the box and I smile.

"Oh my gosh Jake! It's adorable!" I kiss him on the cheek and pull out my present.

It is a small kitten, with plush grey fur and beautiful hazel eyes.

"Thank you! I love it!" I admit, smiling.

"You're welcome kitten." He winks at me and smiles.

"What are you going to name it?" Cory asks, handing Izzie a present.

"I think I'm going to name it Ashlynn." I say proudly.

"How about Ash for short, since she has grey fur?" Izzie suggests, unwrapping the 'black veil bride' cd I gave her.

"I like Ash." I admit smiling.

"Thank you Aubree!" Izzie exclaims holding her cd.

"You're welcome! I know it's not much but-" Izzie cuts me off "no, it is perfect!" She smiles at me. I return the smile.

"Awesome! A new skateboard! Thanks bro!" Cory shouts, excitement on his face.

Jake and Cory do a bro hug and I notice Jake hasn't opened any of his presents.

"Jake, why haven't you opened any presents?" I ask, softly.

"Because you all are my presents this year. I have always wanted a family for Christmas and now I have one." Jake says, looking us each in the eyes.

"Awh you're such a big teddy bear!" Cory says, laying on Jake, making a dog pile on the couch.

Izzie jumps on Cory, making him crush Jake and I sit on the top of all of them.

"I love you guys!" I scream smiling.

"I love you too!" They all shout in unison.

We get out of the dog pile and sit on the couch. We dim the lights and put a DVD in.

"What are we watching?" I ask Jake.

"Home alone." He smirks.

"I thought we were all 17." I giggle, as Jake snuggles next to me.

"What? It's a classic!" He says in defense.

I smile and snuggle my head into his neck as the movie starts.

I put Ash in my lap and stroke her soft fur, making her pur.

She soon falls asleep and I smile down at her. She is so cute and lovable. Kind of like a baby.

I smack myself mentally. No Aubree you do not want a baby. I shout in my head.

The little boy from the movie starts rigging the house with traps and I look around the couch. Everyone else is asleep.

I feel a little sleepy myself.

I close my eyes, letting a soft sleep drift over my body. My head leans to the left, accidentally laying on Cory's shoulder.

I stay there, laying on my brother in law.

Sleep takes over my body and I smile, starting to dream.
A/N: this is suppose to be a good and happy chapter because most of the chapters has been sort of sad and emotional.

I hope you guys like it so far.

I'm sorry to say but the story will be ending soon. Keep up the reading guys.

Thanks lovelies! Xoxo(:

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