Chapter 7 - Revelations

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The following day

Mira's pov

I watch as a seemingly upset Natsu walks into the guild and straight over to Lucy and apologises for something, then he says a sentence that causes the guild to fall silent.

"Luce please come back to me you're mine not Laxus's"

I feel an intense pulse of magic and slowly move from behind the bar knowing that Lucy is angry. I hope he survives this but to my surprise instead of Lucy it's Wendy who slowly walks up to him "Natsu" he turns and smiles at her and then she punches him square in the face.

The rest of the guild watches in horror as he is thrown across the guild hall. Wendy stands there fuming her blue hair is now a light shade of pink and then I notice a few dragon-like features.
So this is Wendy's dragon force no wonder Carla said not to underestimate Wendy's power.

"Lucy-nee does not and never has belonged to you Natsu you lost that privilege when you betrayed her "

Wendy then starts to look a tad different her pink hair gets some dark blue streaks and her eyes get a reddish tint at this Lucy smirks and says "Natsu I should warn you while I was training my magic Wendy trained in not only sky dragon slaying but also apocalypse dragon slaying courtesy of Acnologia he couldn't help but land one day while we were training and gave her some useful tips"

Wendy's pov

I glare at Natsu with hatred I remember when I used to look up to him but now all I feel is hatred and disappointment. He slowly gets up and glares at me I am about to make a move when Lucy places her hand on my shoulder and shakes her head. Nodding I exit my dragon force and sit down. Lucy-nee then tilts her head and says  "Zeus you mind coming for a little bit"

 The guild watches as the God of the skies appears looking at Lucy he nods and before Natsu knows what's happening he is struck by lightning. Eventually, Lucy stops Zeus and he returns to his realm "Natsu Dragneel we may be guildmates but you are no friend of mine and your constant attempts to harm my mate end now"

Immediately Natsu bolts out of the guild without saying another word Lucy picks up her book and continues discussing it with Levy I walk over and place my head on Lucy-nee's lap she gently runs her hand through my hair and I fall asleep.

Third person POV

As the guild observes the past interaction someone asks "Hey Lucy you said that Acnologia taught Wendy as well" looking over Lucy smiles and nods "On my last mission I took Wendy we were training in a field when he appeared but instead of fighting us he gave me his key and decided to train Wendy" shocked whispers run through the guild and then the Master looks up "Calm down children" looking over at Lucy he nods "Our guild is strong and now it's even stronger I do wonder though why would he give you his key how did you win him over"

At this Lucy shrugs and then says "Acnologia I have a question" to everyone's surprise he appears and turns to look at the old man and blonde before shaking his head "Your courage and love can win over anyone plus you are a descendant of my first live Anna heartfilia" with that he disappears and the guild is left in shock before letting out huge cheers.

In their celebration, they do not notice Natsu slipping inside and sitting in the corner by himself while they sit he looks at the guild and silently beats himself up for his actions hoping that he can make it up to them one day.

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