A Clandestine Affair (AMACon 1 Entry)

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Written by: Ruthie (@wuthie16)
Prompt by: @aosfiction
Prompt given: Winter and Summer


She had always captivated him. Always.

The way she moved, the way she smiled, the way her eyes twinkled when she happened to glance his way.

Everything about her was ethereal and sublime. He had always been enamored by her. Even from afar. Even when she did not know about him. He was just her silent spectator. Observing and admiring from far off.

And he had hoped it would stay that way-- Her, not knowing about him.

Because there was one thing he knew about her that no one else did.

She was of the fae.

Yes, fae. Fey. Faery. Fairy. Fairies. And not the Tinkerbell kind either. These were the more dangerous kinds.

They usually stay invisible and inaudible to the human eye, only showing themselves when they were in need of something or anything from humans. Usually for their own sick, twisted amusement. Most humans wouldn't even notice that they were speaking to a fae because they always donned a glamour, to conceal their true forms if only for a short time. Fortunately, they have an aversion to anything made of or mixed with steel. Unfortunately, they were also practically immortal, but not invincible; they could be killed if you knew how.

However, for the stronger ones of the fae, they could keep their glamour on for longer periods of time, and better endure the presence of steel. They also had a penchant for interacting with humans more often, mostly behind closed doors and underneath bed sheets.

He knew she was one of the stronger ones. Maybe even part of a fae court, or worse, a member of royalty.

And if there was one thing that his grandmother told him about the fae in general, it was to never let them know you know about them. If you could look the other way whenever you see a fae, do it every chance you get.

Unless you want them to beguile you.

Unless you want them to take away your humanity.

Unless you want them to make you fae.

And he – well, he made that mistake. She looked at him. He looked back, stared. He couldn't help it. Everything about her held him captive, from her red dress to her dangerous curves to her luscious smile. The moment their eyes met, she knew that he knew what she was.

And since then, she made it her mission to make him hers, no matter what.


"Oh, shit," Alden Richards muttered the moment he saw the girl at the other end of their university library walking towards them. He hurriedly grabbed his books and haphazardly threw them into his backpack, not caring if they get ruined or not.

Sam Gogna, his best friend and dorm roommate, looked at him quizzically, head tilted to the side. "What's up, dude? Why the rush? We're not done with research," he told Alden, pointing towards the book that he was still deciphering.

"She's coming," he whispered urgently, still busy stuffing his books and papers in his bag.

"Who?" asked Sam, frowning a bit. Curious, he raised his head and looked around until his gaze fell on the one girl walking towards them. "Maine? Alright, so the hottest girl in school is coming over. What's the deal?"

"You don't understand. You WON'T understand. I gotta go," Alden replied tersely, hoisting his backpack onto his back. He turned around and was about to walk away when a hand on his arm stopped him cold. That same hand slithered up to his bicep, fingers curling gently over the tense muscle.

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