just give me a reason

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mia pov: so I woke up from de'andre crying and I got out of my bed and goes into his room and pick him up and walk downstairs and make him a bottle and gave it to him

nia: oohh look's who here*roll her eye's*

mia: listen here nia don't get mad cause me and diggy had a baby

nia: why would I be mad I don't date diggy niyah does and plus she my cousin so why would I hate

mia: what ever

nyah: anyway so has diggy been here lately

mia: yeah he stayed the night over last night

nia: I gonna go upstairs

nyah: bye I see u when u come back down

nia: ok*walk upstairs *

yn:so nyah has u and prod talked

nyah: no I'm don't even want to talk to him

takiya: well are u gonna let him see his son's

nyah: yeah cause lyric asked about him last night and now I'm worry

jermia: just talk to him

mickie: hey were is Jacob latimore at

jermia: upstairs sleep

India: oh hey nyah prod is coming over he is on his way

nyah: ughh great

India: you got to talk to him

nyah: yeah

*prod come's to the door*

mesa: hey prod

prod: hey mesa

Jr: mommy

mesa: yes Jr

Jr: jade hit me

jade: I did not

Jr: yes u did

mesa: both of y'all stop before y'all go upstairs and take a nap

Jr and jade: ok mommy

lil twist: Brittany

Brittany: yea bae

lil twist: what do u want to do today

Brittany: let's go to yn house

lil twist: ok *get the car key's and drive's to yn house*


India: roc baby

roc: yeah

india: what do u want to do today

roc: I don't know I just want to chill with you

India: awwww baby ok

*meanwhile at yn house*

prod: nyah let's talk private

nyah: ok what do u want

prod: I want to explain to u that I'm sorry and that what I did was wrong and I just didn't mean that to happen it was a one night stand and I don't really love lala I love you your by wife to be and were about to get married in a year and I just want thing to work out we have a beautiful son and we have son on the way and I just sorry and i love you

nyah: prod baby I love you to and I just don't want this to happen again

prod: it's not gonna happen again I promise baby

nyah: can I trust you prod

prod: yes you can trust me

nyah: ok but won't ever do this agian

prod: ok I won't bae

nyah:ok *kiss prod*

prod:* kiss back*

*meanwhile *

lil twist: hey yn where here

yn: hey lil twist and Brittany

Brittany: hey where is mariha

yn: she upstairs sleep she was tired so she took a nap

lil twist: she must been real tired

yn: yep

nyah: hey twist and Brittany

Brittany and twist: hey where's lyric

nyah: upstairs sleep with prod

yn: oh y'all to talked and work thing out

nyah: yep

lil twist: how many month are you

nyah: I'm 4 months next month the baby comes

Brittany: what about you yn

yn: I have her in about 2 week's I'm so excited

lil twist: are u gonna be ready

yn: yeah

nyah: I know I'm am

Brittany: you gonna have to wake up in the middle of the night

nuah: a lot and prod better help to

lil twist: he better

nyah: yep

*so it look's like prod and nyah got alone and will nia and mia ever get alone and diggy simmion jas a secert for mia comment what u think the secert might be and what yiu think might happen in the next chapter and I also got 9k reads thank you to all of my reader and follower I love you guy's and be ready for the next chapter

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