Chapter 1

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It was just a casual Saturday. Me and Annabell are chilling in my room... Well she is ranting about how amazing her boyfriend is and all the things they do together.

"OH MY GOD! You should get a boyfriend so we could double date!" I look up from my laptop and stare at her. She has shoulder length auburn hair and bright green eyes. She is all ways smiling and has a slim figure. She peers at me from behind her glasses waiting for my answer.

"Um... Nah I mean I never really had a boyfriend..." I say going back onto my laptop. I go on Facebook and start stalking people from our school.

"What about Nate?" She asks putting another layer of red nail polish on. "Yea well he was OK I guess... But it was never an actual relationship." She lets out a huff of air and continues with her nails. "Yea well you still need a boyfriend." I sigh.

Annabell is the type who just NEEDS a guy in her life. She doesn't understand how I was single for most of highschool. This year were gonna be Seniors I'm pretty excited, only one more year until we graduate!

"Anna I don't need a boyfriend I am perfectly fine on my own. And I'm not changing my mind." I look up at her and see her glaring at me.

"GIRLS! DINNERS READY!" My mom calls from downstairs. "COMING!" I yell. Yup. Our family way of comunicating.

I get up off my bed and head downstaires with Annabell following me. We sit down at the table as my mom brings in the food.

"Where Chrissy?" I ask. Cassandra is my one year old sister. And she is absolutely adorable. "I just put her down for her nap so it's just us eatting." I nod and we start digging in.

"So... Excited for school Anna?" My mom asks looking at my friend who is stuffing her face with mashed potates. She swallowes and looks up. "Nah, I hate Mr Morrison I have him for Geography and I am NOT excited for that."

My mom chuckles. "Do you guys have any classes together?" I take a bite of my food before answering. "Yea, we have Math and English together." She nods. "Thats not bad." Silence falls over the room.

"This is so good." Anna says taking more mashed potates. My mom perks up. "Why thank you! I put in this special ingrediant to give it some more taste."

Anna nods and I sit there awkwardly watching the two weirdos... "Ok mom were going to the mall..." I say finishing my food and putting my plate in the sink.

"All right, don't be to long!" She yells as we walk out the door. We start walking, talking about random stuff and how Anna wants to put a finishing touch on her back to school outfit...

We get to the mall and start looking around going to Clair's first. Anna goes to the necklaces and I just look around...

I check out some nail polish and other things... But i keep wondering about wanna Anna said earlier... Maybe I should get a boyfriend?

Just then, right on cue a hot guy walks in the store. Maybe its a sign...? He has blond hair styled into a quiff and deep brown eyes, with an amazing smile.

I look down at the floor blushing. Maybe i should say something? I mean I have nothing to lose if he rejects me so...

I look up again and see him smiling at a girl in the cafeteria. She has long back hair thats curled and bright green eyes, tanned skin and wearing peach that makes her look like an angle.

She runs over to the store and they share a small kiss before looking at those boyfriend and girlfriend bracelets... Ok then, maybe its a sign I should stay single...

Anna comes running over to me. "Lets go to Spencer's!" I groan in disgust but let her lead the way as we walk side by side into the store.

Anna runs off... Again... And leaves me alone in the creepy store... I look around and see, dildos? Ok moving on...

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