The New Kid

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       You looked at the front doors of the huge building, taking a deep breath as you walked in. This was your first day, and you wanted to be prepared for anything that happened. Your backpack was bulging. You had packed a toothbrush and toothpaste, two extra binders (including the ones needed for school) and packs and packs of gum. You didn't want to forget to brush your teeth or think about how you forgot your binder at home or something. You walked down one of the many hallways in the school, arriving at a big classroom. There was no one else in there, except the teacher and a boy in a hoodie. You set your things down on a desk at the back of the classroom, a seat right behind the boy. "You two are early," the old wrinkled teacher said, looking up at you. "You must be new. What's your name?" The lady asked. "Y/N," you say. The boy looked up at you, revealing dark brown eyes and brown hair. "I'm Ms. Jackie, nice to meet you." You keep on looking at the boy, even after he looked away. You sat down in the desk. You get out a piece of gum, open it and pop it into your mouth. The kid heard you open the gum. "Want some?" You ask the boy. He reached out his hand for some. As soon as you give him a piece, a girl walks into the room. "Good Morning, Molly," the teacher said. "Good Morning Ms. Jackie!" The girl replied. Her curly blonde hair bounced on her shoulders as she walked in. "Hey, Stewart!" She says to him. He looks at her. "Hey Molly! What's up?" "Oh, nothing. Hey, did you like my party this weekend?" She started to blush a little. "It was nice!" Stewart commented. You were just kinda sitting in the background...lonely. "Who's the new girl?" Molly said, looking at you as if you were a fish with three eyes. "I don't know," he said. "My name is Y/N," you say to Molly. "Cool," she says casually as she sits down. Then a  whole lot other people walk in. They all find a desk and sit down. "Alright class. All the seats are taken, so everyone must be here. Everyone, this is Y/N," Ms. Jackie points at you. A few people look at you, some rolling their eyes, some staring at you. You slunk down in your chair. 

Time Skip

     You were sitting on the swings, looking at the ground. "Thanks for the gum," a voice said from next to you. You looked to the side. Stewart was there. "No problem," you say, trying to sound cool. "Want to go shoot a cat with my gun?" You look at him funny. "What?!" "My gun," he said, holding up a gun that looked like a ray gun from Star Wars. You laughed. "I made it myself," he said, handing it to you. "The only way I have it here is because the teachers say it looks like a toy, but it actually works. Here, I'll show you." He takes you to a place between the school and the woods. He aims towards a squirrel that is sitting on a tree branch. POW!! He misses on purpose, seeing the face you make when he aimed for the squirrel. "C-cool! That scared the crap out of m-me!" You say, staring at the burnt spot in the trees. "Now do you believe me?" He says with a smirk. "I never doubted anything," you reply. "Hey, guys? What are you doing back here?" Molly says, smiling mischievously. "I was showing her my gun. You know, the ray gun?" "Oh, Stewie. You don't have to hide that from me!" She looked at you, hate in her eyes. Then she looked back at Stewart.

Stewart's POV

   "I know you like her," Molly whispers in my ear. "No I don't!" I said to her out loud. "Don't what-" SHUT UP Y/N!" I said. I don't like anyone, she knows that!  I thought to myself. I walked away, ray gun in hand. I went over to the basketball court. Janet came over and asked, "Still have some cookies?" "All you ever wanted were my damn cookies, so no!"  I said, remembering the cookies. "STEWART SAID A BAD WORD!!!" Janet yelled. I sighed. I don't care if I get detention, damnit!  I think to myself, getting even more angry.    

Another Time Skip :3

       I picked up my tray of food from the table of lunch trays. Then I walked over to the table where my friends sat. "Hey, Stewie! What's up bro?" I sat down. "The girl you were hanging out with was kinda hot, did you ask her out?" Evan said. I started eating. "Did you kiss her while you were close to the woods?" I kept eating. "Say somethin man!" "ALRIGHT FINE!" I yelled. "I admit, she was cute. But I didn't ask her out, OK? God, just leave me alone!" I snapped. My friends stared at me. "Dude, chill out man! Before you pop a blood vessel!" I had to laugh.

Your POV

You sat at a table with your new friend, Amber. "So, Y/N, you like Stewart?" You choke on your sandwich. "It's OK, I was just going to tell you he's way out of your league." You drink some milk to hopefully stop choking. "I know," you say. You thought about when he left you and Molly standing there and Molly said, "He's mine. OK? Back off," and walked away. You were still standing there, waiting for him to come say sorry for telling you to shut up. But there he was, laughing with his buddies, having a good time. You had only just met him that morning, and you had already started taking a liking to him. You looked over at Stewart and sighed. He ran his fingers through his hair, laughing at the same time. He was cute, you thought. You sighed again, knowing Molly had a better chance than you at getting him to like her. Then the bell rang. "We have to go now," Amber reminded you. You got up and threw your trash away, and Stewart did the same. "Ladies first!" He said with a smile. You kept your face blank. He shrugged his shoulders, threw away his trash and walked away. You threw away your sandwich, then Amber came up, saying, "You can't hold a grudge forever!" "But I can't say, 'I forgive you' without knowing he's sorry," you say.

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