Forgiveness at Baskin Robbins

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        After school, you walk over to your mom's car. "How was school today sweetie?" You just stared at the ground outside. "Fine," you say, thinking about how Stewart never said sorry. Even though all he said was, "Shut up," and you had only met him that day, it still hurt. He was so nice, and not to mention cute. "Want to go get some ice cream?" Your mom asked. "YES. TAKE. ME. NOW." You would do anything to get your mind off of Stewart. You drove over there half an hour later (The school was in the middle of nowhere) and went inside, starting to feel a little old to go get ice cream with your mom. And only your mom. "I would like the Peanut Butter Cup Cream, please." You say, pointing to the bucket full to the brim with ice cream. You didn't bother to look up at the ice cream man. They got a scoop of ice cream and put it in a cone. "Anything for the lady, Y/N?" They ask you. "No, thanks," your mom says. "Would you like some cool hwhip on your ice cream?" "Yes please-" you pause when you realize they said, "hwhip" instead of whip. "Don't you mean whip?" You ask, looking up at the ice cream man who was turned around putting cool whip on your ice cream. "That's what I said, cool hwhip," he said turning back around. "But you're emphasizing the 'H' too much-" It was Stewart. You had recognized the sort-of British accent at the beginning, and you just realized he said your name. "Here's your ice cream," he said. You couldn't believe it. One of the cool kids, working at Baskin Robbins. Molly and all the others worked at Sonic or something. And just to look at someone wearing that stupid little ice cream hat made your dreams of working there fade. "Do you want your ice cream or not, Y/N?" He said. "Oh, thanks Stewart. Apparently you were looking his direction when you paused for thought, because your mom nudged your arm.  "What?" You ask your mom out loud. Stewart looks at the both of you. "I just nudged your arm, that's it," your wonderful mom that never ruins anything says. 

        "Here's the money," your mom says, handing three dollars to Stewart. "Thank you!" He said, smiling. Braces. And their colors are yellow and red. Weird... "You're welcome!" You and your mom say in unison. As you walk out the door, Stewart says something. "Sorry, Y/N!" You turn back towards him. "It's OK, Stewie!" You say back, not even realizing you called him by his nickname that only Molly and his family call him by. You walked outside of the store. "What was that all about?" Your mom says, looking at you with curious eyes. "Oh, nothing," you say, your heart smiling on the inside. You take a bite of your soft ice cream, it melting in your mouth. You then smile, knowing you can finally forgive him.

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