The library

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(Hunter's P.O.V)

"Dude why were you so unfocused at the game last night" my friend Owen asked me when I got to school. Owen is tall but not as tall as me he has black hair and a little bit of a moustache. He also has braces but they don't make him look like a nerd like they do on some people. He is also a straight A student.

"I don't f***ing know" I replied.

"I call total bs on that, you and I both know there was a reason".

"F u Owen why do you have to know me so freaking well. But if you must know I was thinking about a dream I had the night before. I would rather not talk about it" I said begging him not to ask me anymore questions. But knowing him he went ahead anyways.

"So if it was a dream then why are you stressing over it so much?" He questioned me.

"Because" I simply said.

"Fine then don't tell me but at least tell me who it was about"

"Fine it was about Lacey" I said.

"Oh never mind then" was all he said before we walked away to I'm assuming his first period class.

Well that was weird I thought to myself as I walked to my locker to get my science and my math textbooks. I didn't have science next but I had a spare for my second period so I figured I would go to the library and get my homework done early to hand in for extra marks.

(Lacey's P.O.V)

"Did you hear the boys lost their game last night?" Delilah said.

"No I didn't, but ur kidding right they haven't lost a game this season".

"Nope I'm not I would know cause I was there"

"Of course you were"I said.

"What does that mean?" She questioned me.

"Oh nothing just the fact that I know you were only there to see the hot boys on the team" I said jokingly.

"That really hurts Lacey" she said as she started fake crying. Which made me start laughing. "But you're not wrong that is the only reason" she said as she started laughing to.

"Hey do you have a spare today?"Delilah asked me.

"Yeah mines second period how bout you?"

"Dammit mines fourth period".

"Where are you going to spend your free time?" she asked.

"The library duh".

"Of course" she said rolling her eyes.

"Whatever I like reading unlike you and it's a place where I can clear my head and think about stuff" I said.

"Whatever you say. I'm gonna get going before I'm late for my class. Bye I'll see you at lunch" she called.

"Bye" I said.

(Hunter's P.O.V)

First period sucked our teacher made us copy out notes the whole time. It felt like the bell would never ring and class would never end. So when it finally did I was so glad I didn't have another class after.

I took the long way around to get to our school library. As soon as I walked in I seen her sitting in a chair reading a book I thought if I leave now she won't notice me but I also thought why are you being such a coward.

I finally decided to stay because I did want to get my work done and she wasn't going to notice me anyways she loves reading too much. God she looks so cute wearing her glasses I thought.

Omg I need to get my homework done. I was almost done when I heard someone get up from a table I looked around and noticed that she was gone.

Where the hell did she go I knew she was short but not that short. I lightly laughed at my joke that I knew if I told her she would hit me for.

Next thing I knew she was beside me "what's so funny?" she asked.

"Oh nothing just something I thought of".

"It's about my height isn't it" she said rolling her eyes playfully.

"How did u know?"

"Hmmm maybe because I know you like the back of my hand" she said and started laughing. God I love her laugh.

"Fine what's my favourite colour?"

"That's easy red" she said.

"Yep I guess you know everything about me" Except the fact that I still like you.

Why can't I just f***ing tell her how I feel. Oh wait maybe because I don't want to be rejected.

The rest of the period went on like that us talking laughing and actually having fun. In that moment everything was like it used to be between us. We were ourselves with each other without her wanting to kill me every time I opened my mouth.

When the bell rang for lunch she left quickly like she was in a hurry to get to the cafeteria. Which was probably true cause she does love food but she doesn't seem to gain a lot of weight for the amount of food she eats.

I didn't end up finishing my science but oh well it's not due till next week anyways......

It annoys me that I couldn't come up with a a good cliffhanger for this chapter. I know this chapter wasn't all that exciting sorry. Let me know in the comments if u are enjoying my story or if I should just abandon writing it. As always love you guys💟





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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2016 ⏰

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