I Would For You

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   I had gotten to Mystic Falls long enough to see if Stefan, Damon and Tyler were okay.

They were fine.

Tyler and I were on the road.

Tyler was driving.

I was in the passenger seat, dabbing what remained of Freya's herbal paste to block Rayna's powers from being able to track me.

Tyler looked at me in concern.

I looked at him in amusement, deciding to tease him a little bit. "You mind just paying attention to the road a little bit more?"

Tyler looked toward the left side of the road. "Well, I could, but then I might miss the world's largest ball of yarn coming up on the left... and there it goes. Not quite sure what I was expecting."

"Well, that was the last of Freya's herbs, which means it's only a matter of time before they wear off and Rayna can track me," I told him.

"Good thing we're on our way to get more," Tyler told me.

"Are we?" I asked sarcastically. "Because it sure feels like we're on our way to the world's largest waste of time."

"We have to take back roads to avoid being spotted," Tyler told me.

I gave him an amused look. "Mm-hmm."

"You've only been running a few days, Nikki," Tyler told me. "Think of it like it's an adventure."

I scoffed. "I don't want an adventure. I've had enough adventure to last me a lifetime. Or three."

Tyler pulled into a driveway. "We're here." We pulled into a clearing next to what looked like an outdoor greenhouse of some kind, getting out of the car, walking toward the greenhouse. "What is this place?"

"According to Freya, all the herbs witches use are stored here," I told him. "Just in case something happens to them."

"All of them?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah," I answered.

Tyler made it to the greenhouse, which was an open-air garden, walking inside first, stopping in surprise. "Well, I hope you know what this particular herb looks like.'

"And why is that?" I asked, stepping inside from behind him.

"Because, apparently, witches are very fond of their herbs," Tyler answered.

There was hundreds of different herbs and pastes.

Tyler and I were overwhelmed by all the varieties of herbs around us.


Tyler and I were walking around the herb greenhouse, looking at all of the plants.

"So, what do you propose we do?" Tyler asked. "Rub each one of your wound and hope for the best?"

"I don't know," I told him.

We walked through the rows of various herbs and flowers, seeing that most of them were labeled with what they were.

Tyler started to identify them. "There's wolfsbane. Vervain. Senna. Witch hazel."

I gave him a look. "Can you please stop avoiding the topic that's been on both our minds?" Tyler turned to face me. "I know you're still thinking about what went down with Stefan and Damon."

"It's not something that you gotta worry about," Tyler told me.

"The armory nearly had you kill off my ancestors after Damon put you in a coma while he was hallucinating because of his post-trauma from the hell stone," I told him. "Of course I have to worry about it."

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