The Dragon King Festival

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Their world was once thriving with dragons and Magic, and it was full of Magic Power and many of the humans had learned magic and joined guilds. And even though the world was magical, dragons were a rare sight to see in the world. They were amazing creatures, and some of them became friends of the humans. But on July 7, year 777, all of the dragons disappeared, never to return. Seven children were raised by these dragons and were taught a magic called Dragon Slayer Magic.
Laxus, the Lightning Dragon Slayer; Cobra, the Poison Dragon Slayer; Grandeeney who taught Wendy, the Sky Dragon Slayer; Weisslogia who taught Sting, the White Dragon Slayer; Skiadrum who taught Rogue, the Shadow Dragon Slayer; Metalicana who taught Gajeel, the Iron Dragon Slayer; and Igneel who taught Natsu, the Fire Dragon Slayer. But there was something that set all of the Dragon Slayers apart...Natsu, Gajeel, and Wendy were known as the first generation Dragon Slayers, who got their magic from dragons, Cobra and Laxus were known as second generation Dragon Slayers because they got their magic from a lacrima that was implanted into their bodies when they were young, and Sting and Rogue were known as third generation Dragon Slayers because they had a lacrima implanted in them and were also taught by dragons.
Lucy Heartfillia had died 3 years ago, and her siblings, Mirajane and Elfman were still trying to get over her death, and a few months later, Natsu went on a job and died. The guild had been very quiet ever since, nobody ever happy again. Natsu and Lucy's death was hardest on Happy and the rest of Team Natsu, which consisted of Erza, Gray, Gajeel, Happy, Wendy, and Carla.
"Are you ok Happy?" Carla looked over at Happy with concern. Happy looked up at her with sadness in his eyes,
"Yeah...I guess so." Wendy smiled and walked up to Happy and gave him a hug. Carla felt the need to do the same and gave the blue exceed a furry hug,
"It's ok Happy, I'm sure that Natsu is happy where he is right now." Happy sniffed and nodded his head. Erza and everyone else had been taking a lot of extra jobs, trying to search for Natsu and Lucy, not believing that they died, since their bodies had not been brought back to the guild hall. Erza and Gray walked up to the rest of the team, with Erza pulling her huge luggage along with her and Gray with a smile plastered on his face.
"You ready to go yet guys? We need to go and start the job and see if we can find anything...or anyone..." Erza smiled a sad smile and nodded her head.
"Ok! Let's go Carla! I'm ready to go get some work done!" Wendy fist bumped the air and was ready for another Fairy Tail adventure, but...
"When will we get there? I'm so tired of walking!" Wendy groaned and walked slower that she was before. Carla looked at her and rolled her eyes,
"Please child, you need to learn to stop complaining. What would Lucy thin-" Carla stopped herself and looked at the ground in sadness, "I'm sorry..." Erza smiled and patted Carla's head and picked her up to look her in the eye,
"That's all right Carla. We need to remember them, they wouldn't want us to forget them. Because we were friends of theirs, we need to remember them, even if it hurts." Happy looked up from the ground with tears in his eyes,
"Aye!" Gray laughed and everyone cheered up. Erza was able to kill the last monster that they needed to get rid of on the request, everyone stopped and decided that they should make camp since it was getting dark,
"Ok guys, lets stay the night here so we don't have to travel the woods at night." Gray nodded and walked into a nearby cave.
"Alright, there is nothing in this cave that is claiming it so we should be fine to stay here." Wendy cheered and ran into the cave, collapsing from exhaustion. And everyone followed her lead,
"Gray, can you please get first watch?" Gray nodded and sat outside of the cave, hoping that there was going to be some action in having to do the boring work.
Gray had been sitting there for what seemed like hours, when he heard someone in the bushes,
"Hello? Who's there?" Gray stood up and walked further away from the mouth of the cave. He kept going until he was well into the woods. Then he heard a snapping twig and he quickly turned back to look behind him. Gray thought that he was imagining things, but when he turned to leave, he heard someone collapse near him. Gray turned and ran in the direction he heard the noise, and he saw Lucy lying there, unconscious.
Later at Fairy Tail
"So, how are you doing Lucy?" Lucy looked up to see Erza,
"Good, just sad that Natsu isn't here. When is he getting back from his job, and why didn't he bring Happy with him?" Erza looked down at the ground and sighed,
"He's not on a job Lucy. H...He's dead. He died soon after we thought you did." Lucy's eyes widened in shock and tears started forming in her eyes,
"No... He, he can't be dead..." Lucy's tears flowed freely down her face and put her face into her hands. Erza sighed and walked away from her. Gray looked up at Erza and smiled,
"Do you remember when I said that the guild would never be the same without Natsu?" Erza nodded her head
"Yes, I do remember. And you were very right about that. It is so much quieter without him, and there is not as much happiness and courage either. Natsu was a good person to have around, even though he was quite annoying sometimes." Gray laughed and nodded his head. Erza was about to go and get another cake from Mira, but before she was able to get there, someone opened the guild doors and slightly stepped in before passing out on their doorstep. Everyone could tell that it was male, he was wearing a black cloak that hid his identity from everyone in the guild. Master Makarov, the master of the Fairy Tail guild, walked down the stairs and towards the collapsed stranger. When he got there, he slightly lifted his hood. He gasped and dropped it back on his head,
"Master? Who is it?" Erza walked up to Makarov, and saw that there were tears in his eyes. There were tears streaming down his face and yet he was smiling,
"It's...It's Natsu. He's come home." Erza's face lit up with shock and happiness,
"Quickly, get this man into the infirmary. Erza please help me." Erza nodded. When the two got Natsu into the infirmary, Lily suddenly walked into the room just as Natsu's hood was pulled off of his head. He stopped dead in his tracks and stared dumbly at him,
"S...Salamander? What's going on? I thought that he was dead!" Makarov nodded and laughed,
"I can't believe that I would believe for one second that Natsu was dead. He is so stubborn and hard headed! I wouldn't be surprised if he could talk himself out of death!" The next person that came up was Happy,
"I thought that I could smell Natsu up here..." He looked at who was laying on the bed and he burst into tears, "Natsu!" Makarov smiled and looked at Happy,
"I don't care how impossible it seems. All I care about is that I know none of my children were killed and that they are all safe." Happy nodded and smiled again,
"Aye sir! When do you think he will wake up?" Makarov looked at Natsu and sighed,
"I have no idea child, but I hope that he wakes up soon. Because all of Fairy Tail misses their Salamander."
2 Months Later
It had been 2 months since Natsu returned to Fairy Tail, but Natsu hasn't opened his eyes since he returned. Lucy was very worried about Natsu, she really wanted to see him again. Lucy had not left the guild infirmary because she wanted to be there when Natsu woke up.
"Lucy! Come down here you need to eat something!" Lucy could hear her older sister Mirajane calling her down, but she ignored her. A few minutes later, Mira went upstairs to find Lucy sleeping on Natsu. She smiled and left them there, but before she went, she left Lucy some food.
Natsu POV
It was quiet and dark. All Natsu could remember was that he was on a mission...He had to kill some monsters that were attacking the capitol, it went well until one of the smaller dark guilds came into play. Natsu was knocked out and brought to their guild hall, and Natsu could hear a little bit of what they were saying while he was there, they were saying that Natsu had power that they needed to complete some kind of task. So they drained all of his magic power then sent him back to his cell. He wanted to go back home, to the Fairy Tail guild...

Dragon King Festival: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now