He cheats on you

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You and Niall were dating for a while now You was going to meet him today at the park.You got dressed in a cute outfit and you put on the necklace.

Niall bought you.you put on your hat and picked up the gift you got him and headed outside the door you hopped you way down the four roads leading to the

park you head to the ally way that leads to the park and you stop in your tracks and see Niall and

another girl kissing/making out you let him have his moment you let and tear stream down your

cheek"Thank you Niall" You say He looks over at you"(y/n)"he says running up to you you rip of the

necklace and throw it at him and shove the gift in his chest you begin to run"(Y/N) WAIT" Niall says

running after you you run home and head up to your room you lay on the bed and wipe your eyes you

get up and look at your desk filled with photos of you and Niall you pick one up and giggle and throw it

at your wall it shatters you slide your hand across the desk knocking off all the pictures you go to the

bathroom.You look for a razor and  find it and rub your nails across your skin you look at your wrist and

have a flashbackFlashback"you have too stop babe I love you to much"Niall says kissing your cuts"It's

not that easy Niall" You say rubbing your fingers through his hair"I will be here for you"Flashback

over.You put the razor to your skin about ready to cut when Niall comes through your bathroom

door"Please don't please" he whimpers"You obviously wouldn't care anyway Niall you never cared"

You said as a tear streamed down your face you immediately wiped it away"I do care (Y/N) and I'm

sorry I did that I swear I never mean't too""Why then Niall, I think I at least need an explanation""I-

I"  "YOU WHAT NIALL, YOU WHAT!" You yelled as you threw the razor at the wall"I'm sorry I don't have

an explanation for what I have done okay, all I can do is apologize" he said and looked down to the

floor with a frown upon his face. "Then tell me what went through your mind, did you even think of

me AT ALL" You yelled again"I-I did at first and then I just I-""I think you should leave""B-but" "Please"

You sniffle and another tear rolls down your cheek"Bye" he said and left your apartment. You slid

down the wall and started to cry. Why would he do that.Later you finally stop crying and got the

strength to get up off the floor. You crawled up into your bed and was about to go to sleep.Then you

heard something, It was faint but it sounded like someone was singing?You get out of bed and walk up

to your window, you open the curtains and saw that familiar head of blonde hair, you opened your

window and it was Niall standing there with his guitar in the pouring rain and he was singing."You'll

never love your self half as much as I love you And you'll never treat your self right darling' but I want

you too If I let you know that I'm here for youMaybe you'll love yourself like I love you"He stops

playing his guitar and looks up at you through the window."I know you don't have to except my

apology and I know you won't but I just want to tell you how much I love you" He said "Well, go on"

You say"I'm so sorry for cheating on you, and (Y/N) I knew we were gonna be together since the first

day we met, I  love you to the moon and back and I'll love you for the rest of my life and I'll never stop

loving you" He said and you smiled down at him "Come up here my little Nialler bear" You cooed"I'm

coming Boo" He said and ran over to your door as you started running down the steps.You open the

door and see  him there staring down at you."I'm sorry" "Just shut up and kiss me" You say and wrap

your arms around his neck as he bends down to kiss you.

I hoped you enjoyed!! :DD

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