Chapter Eight

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Callisto jabs me in the back and whispers sharply, "Is that the Mayor's son!?"

I look over to where she's gazing and there's Henry Mills. I laugh "That's Henry. He's just visiting. I don't think he would ever want to be a lost boy."

Callisto laughs. "I'm lost now." Then she laughs. "He is really cute. I guess I never noticed it before."

I reply "No you knew. But now I think you've just realized it."

Pan then says, "Your tent is set up at the edge of the forest."

I look at him, a bit confused. "I actually have no idea where that is."

"Felix will show you." 

Felix saunters over and leads us to a small tent. It seems really small.

"Uh, dude?" I say tentatively.

"My name's not dude. Come on, I know you know it." He remarks.

"Right, Blondie. So are you sure this tent will fit all five of us?" I ask.

"I'm sure it will. It's enchanted."

"Oh. Ok, thanks." Why didn't I think it was enchanted. Everything here is.

Hey guys! Guess who's back?! Sorry I didn't update. But, I was thinking of doing some other fan fictions. Not Pan, necessarily (Unless y'all want more...) 

I might do :

           Harry Potter



         Percy Jackson

Heck, I might even do one shots and imagines for you guys. Just comment your thoughts and what you guys want. I'm open for ideas. 

I also have an idea for a Robbie Kay AU in ancient Rome. Would y'all read that?

Thanks! Bye Guys!


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2016 ⏰

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