Chapter 2

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Pic: Zayn Malik as Gabriel Hawke (can we take a moment at the cuteness) 


Flashback Cont.

We reached Brody's magnificent house. His fresh green garden was covered with red cups and couples making out. I groaned in disgust as I walked past a red haired girl and a jock getting it on. 

Jeez, get a room. 

We sauntered into his house, being greeted by a pungent smell of alcohol and sweat. We head straight into the kitchen to grab some drinks. Akira, Aria and I all grabbed a bottle of beer before going on to the dance floor. I promised myself not to drink more than one bottle, not after what had happened, but that's a story for another time. We got on the dance floor, moving our bodies and shaking our hips. The Dj turned on Work, by Rihanna, causing everybody to hoot in happiness. We danced and danced for hours, until my foot was completely numb. I let my friends know I was going to take a break, before going to the kitchen and sitting on the counter. As I sat, a gorgeous greek god walked in, and my mouth was completely ajar and I'm pretty sure I had drool coming out of my mouth. He was hot, very hot. His luscious brown hair looked so smooth and all I wanted to do was run my hands through it. His slight stubble made him look slightly older and his eyes, oh his eyes, a gorgeous hazelnut color. 

When I realized I was gaping like a fish, I quickly fixed my posture and looked at him. Our gazes connected, and then, he smirked. He SMIRKED.

"See something you like?" He smirked, walking over to me slowly.

"Yeah, the beer bottle behind you." I smiled, getting off the counter, prepared to walk away.

He grabbed my wrist and turned me around.

"Oh really? So you're not phased by my handsome looks?" He asked, stepping closer to me.

"Nope, I've seen WAY better." I smirked

"I see.." He said, taking another step closer to me. We were so close, that I could smell his minty fresh breath fanning my face. My breath hitched, I could practically feel his lips on mine, but I wouldn't let him kiss me, we barely knew each other.

I pushed him back. "I'm not that easy, playboy." I patted him on his chest before turning around and walking away. 

It felt good, being wanted by a guy. That sounds stupid, but I guess that's how a girls' mind works. We want love, we want to be loved, we want someone to love us even if we don't love them. We want to feel wanted, like we are worth a guy, that we are beautiful. 

I needed to clear my mind, so I drank another beer, forgetting what I promised myself. And then I drank another, and another, until my head was spinning uncontrollably. I giggled slightly, staggering back to the dance floor. I almost fell, when somebody caught me.

Oooh, I found my Prince Charming, I thought to myself, before giggling more.

"Whoa there princess, calm down, how much have you had to drink?" Prince Charming asked. 

"Um I don't know? 5?" I giggled

"Alright let's get you home." He said, carrying me bridal style.

"You're really HANDSOME" I said, touching his stubble.

"AND YOUR HAIR IS CUTE" I messed up his hair, giggling once again.

He stayed silent and put me inside his car, then drove to his house. He carried me into his room, and laid me down.

"This isn't my house!" I complained.

"You can go home tomorrow, don't worry." Prince Charming reassured me, before saying good night and leaving. And then, I went into a deep sleep.

Flashback Over

I woke up, sweat covering my face. That's it. It was that hot guy who took me to his house. 

My mind wandered back to him, he was familiar, very familiar and I was certain I knew him. I called Akira and Aria, and invited them to my house. 

After a boring 30 minutes, they finally arrived.


"Calm down jeez, I'll explain come on in." 

I told them the whole story, from the beginning, and when I finished, both of them had their mouths opened.

"You don't know who that is? IT'S GABRIEL HAWKE, HE'S LIKE THE BAD BOY OF OUR SCHOOL MADZ" She yelled, again.


"Well, you see, I kinda, maybe left my wallet at his house.." I trailed off slowly.

Both of them facepalmed at my usual forgetful behavior. 

"So whatcha going to do?" 

"Get it back, duh"

"And how will you do that?" Aria asked

"There's something called talking, pretty sure why we have mouths"

Aria gave me a poker face, and then, we grabbed as many snacks as we could and watched gossip girl.


Eh, this is a boring chapter but oh well :p


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adios <33

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