Chapter 3

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Here it is guys!

I'm very sorry for the late update, I've just been busy with exams, school, etc. But now I'll try my best to update more.

Pic: Gigi Hadid as Akira Brown




the day of the week before Tuesday and following Sunday.

Also known as, hell. Monday is somehow always worse than any other school day, and the fact that I had to go to Gabriel to ask for my wallet back, just made it ten times shittier. 

I rolled out of my bed, landing onto the floor with a thud. 

That so did not hurt.

I head into the bathroom, and did my usual routine before dressing up. It was an extremely hot day, so I was clad in a plain black crop top, with my favorite pair of shorts. I left my hair down and applied some light makeup before grabbing my bag and walking down.

"Morning dad!" I chirped.

"Morning sweetheart, you ready for school?" I replied with a yes before grabbing a granola bar and getting into my car.

I lived with my dad, my so-called 'mom'  left us when I was around 5. It was weird because it never really affected me at all. My dad was a lawyer, hence why we were what people would call 'loaded'. He worked hard, day and night, and although he wasn't there for me every second, I loved him more than anything.

I drove to school, and got out. And right as I got out, I saw them. The three guys that ruled our school with their breathtakingly hot looks and their prankster ways.  There he was, standing in the middle of their pack. Gabriel Hawke, aka, my 'prince charming'. He was easily the hottest guy in our school, as well as the smartest and sportiest. No guy could beat him in anything. He was known to be rude, and had the 'i don't give a shit' kind of attitude. On his left, was Jordan Archer. With his gorgeous green eyes, he could lure anyone to do anything. He was the prankster and the jokester of their group. On Gabriel's right, was Xavier Anderson. He was the quiet one, yet everyone knew him. 

I gathered up all my courage, and walked over to them. 

It's now or never

"Hi?" I squeaked, much higher than I intended to.  I waited for a few seconds, and he still didn't acknowledge me, which got me slightly pissed.

"Hello? Do you not speak English or something?" I snapped, which made Jordan snicker. 

"What the fuck do you want"

His voice, oh god. Is it humanely possible to fall in love with a guy's voice? 

"I left my wallet at your house and I need it back." I tried not to let his hotness get to me. 

I stood there waiting for him to do something, and I wondered if my life would be like a cliche story where he wouldn't give it back until I did something for him, but surprisingly he zipped open his bag and got out my mint green wallet. 

"Take it and leave." 

"Well someone's on their man period," I mumbled to myself, but surprisingly Jordan heard causing him to laugh, again.

I'm on a roll today

"What was that?"

"Nothing, thanks and bye!" I grabbed my wallet from his hands and ran off, sighing in relief.

That dude is damn intimidating

No shit, sherlock

I met up with my friends, and head over to our class together. Classes passed by in a blur and soon we were sitting in the school's cafeteria, and my friends' eyes were on me, staring like a hawk.

"Why the heck are you guys staring at me like that.." 

"WHAT DO YOU THINK?! TELL US EVERYTHING" I sat there, completely confused with what they were saying and then I realized they were asking me about the whole Gabriel incident.

"Oh, I went to him and asked for my wallet, he gave it and I said thanks and walked away." I completed

"That's all that happened?" Aria asked

"No, we also went on a trip to Narnia" I retorted 

"Jee, your sarcasm is not appreciated Mads" Akira said

"Your presence is not appreciated Akira." I winked, then I started dancing to celebrate my amazing burn to Akira. She stared back at me with a blank face, making me chuckle. 

"Look who's staring at you from behind" Aria smirked

I looked back, and very unexpectedly, Gabriel was staring at me with a complete poker face. I didn't necessarily know what to do so I raised up my hand and awkwardly waved at him before turning back to my friends.

"Wasn't that unusual.." I said, earning a smirk from my friends.

The bell rang, and I waved my friends goodbye because I had English Lit, which sadly I didn't have with them. 

I sat next to my friend, Olivia, and we started talking about our summer when the door opened and in came the three greek gods. They sat on their usual seats, at the back, and a few seconds later Mr. Jacobs walked in. 

"Alright, I'm going to be handing out a book that we will be reading and discussing this semester." Mr. Jacobs said.  

He walked around, handing out the books and when the book landed on my desk, I frowned in confusion. 

The Fault In Our Stars- John Green

I've read this book before, but it surprised me that Mr. Jacobs was letting us read such a modern teen fiction in a class. I mean, we usually read Shakespeare and shit, so this was one huge surprise. 

The girls in the class, aside from me of course, squealed in happiness, probably because of Ansel Elgort. 

For the rest of the class we talked about what we were going to do this semester, and we were to read the first few chapters for next class. 

"Now class, I know many of you might have read this book or watched the movie before, but we are doing this for our class so you must read it again." 

With that, the bell rang and we all rushed out. 

A few classes later, school was over and I head out to my car and head home. Not surprisingly, no one was home, so I went upstairs into my room and dove into my bed, before grabbing out my phone and scrolling through Instagram.

One new follow request

Hm, that's weird. I clicked on it and to say I was surprised would be an understatement.

gabrielhawke requested to follow you. 



And sorry for any grammatical mistakes, lol. 

A pretty boring chapter, but I'm just going with the flow right now. I definitely have an idea but I'm not sure where it's going yet. 

Once again, I'm sorry for the late update but I finally have holidays so hopefully I'll get to update some more.


It's really appreciated, but no hate comments please I'm only 14 .-. 

Love you guys <3 

- nannz 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2016 ⏰

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