honeymoon avenue

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Honeymoon Avenue
song used: Honeymoon Avenue by Ariana Grande

I looked in my rear view mirror and it seemed to make a lot more sense
than what I see ahead of us, ahead of us, yeah
I'm ready to make that turn before we both crash and burn
cause that could be the death of us, the death of us, baby

Ariana was currently home alone, again. Her long-time boyfriend, Justin went out somewhere.
He's probably off drinking again, Ariana thought, as she sat alone at the kitchen table, playing with her food.
She managed to finish her dinner and placed her plate in the sink, deciding to do the dishes in the morning.
As she made her way upstairs, her foot hit a table, making an album book fall out from one of the boxes. She picked it up, about to put it back until she read the words inscribed on the front of the album, justin and ariana.
She sat down on the couch, the book in her hands. The first thing she saw was a little brunette girl and boy sitting next to each other at a table, crayons and paper scattered across the table. The little girl was holding up a picture, that was right under this picture, and giving the boy a kiss.

you know how to drive in rain
and you decided not to make a change
stuck in the same old lane
going the wrong way home

"Justin, go sit over there next to Ariana," Mrs. Caroline, the preschool teacher, said, pointing over to an empty seat next to a brunette little girl.
Ariana looked up and saw a really small, adorable boy pulling a chair out next to her.
"Hi," the boy quietly said, looking down at his hands.
"Hi! I'm Ariana! You must be Justin." She smiled, showing her dimples and waved happily.
Justin looked up and smiled. "You're pretty."
She smiled even wider. "Thank you. And you're very handsome."
Justin blushed. He picked up a crayon and started drawing. Ariana giggled and also continued her drawing.
A few minutes later, she felt someone poke her elbow. It was Justin.
"I made this for you." He handed her a picture, which had four people drawn in a black crayon. "That's you," Justin pointed. "And that's me."
Ariana asked who were the other two people.
"That's our kids. I wanna grow up and marry you. We can have our own house, and I'll get you whatever you want."
Ariana's eyes lit up, and she grinned. "Okay!"
She leaned over and gave Justin a kiss on the cheek, causing him to blush.
Mrs. Caroline smiled at the picture, knowing that they'll thank her later.

I feel like my heart is stuck in bumper to bumper
traffic, I'm under pressure
cause I can't have you the way that I want
let's just go back to the way it was

Ariana laughed quietly at the memory. She flipped a page, and there was a picture of her and Justin, the morning of their first day of high school.
"Justin, Ariana, are you ready?"
The two scrambled down the stairs, laughing, and into the kitchen, where Joan and Pattie were setting up breakfast.
Ariana had on a cheetah patterned bustier and black high waisted denim jeans. Her bangs were clipped up and the ends of her ombre hair was in perfect curls. Justin sported a white t-shirt and black pants, sagging of course. His hair was spiked as usual.
"Aww, I need a picture of this!" Joan grabbed Ariana's phone while Ariana groaned.
"Do you have to take a picture of everything?"
"Oh, hush up, you know you'll look back and be glad that I took it. Now smile!"
Justin smirked and bent down. He picked up Ari with ease. She started screaming and telling him to put her down.
"No no! Don't! This looks so cute!" Pattie shouted.
Ariana laughed, of course she enjoyed this. She made a pose and smiled to the camera.
Justin set her down, chuckling. Joan showed the two the picture.

when we were on Honeymoon Avenue, Honeymoon Avenue
baby, coastin' like crazy
can we get back to the way it was

Yep, her mom was right. She was glad her mom took the picture. She looked at the next picture, which was the two of them side by side, flowers in Ari's hands. A crowd of their friends were behind them, some jumping, some on the ground posing. A sign was being held above their heads by Chaz and Ryan. They were obviously struggling to keep it up for it to be visible in the picture and to look good for the picture.
"Where are we going?" Ariana giggled, as Alexa led her to who knows where.
"Somewhere," Alexa said, trying to remember the way to where Justin told her to go.
"Oh my god, Alexa, if you don't tell me, I swear I'll-"
Alexa cut her off. "Calm yo tits girl." Ariana heard a couple of giggles. "You can take it off now."
Once the blindfold was off, Ariana could see everything that was happening at the school square. Everyone was formed in a giant circle, and she saw Justin in the center with a guitar in his hands and a mic near his mouth.
He started singing 'Fall', one of his original songs, and Alexa and Caitlyn pushed her towards him.
Once he finished, he stepped aside, revealing Chaz and Ryan holding up a huge sign that said, 'Ariana, will you go out with me?'
Tears started forming in her eyes as she looked to Justin. He smiled and handed her a rose, which she took.
"So? Will you?"
Ariana nodded and everyone erupted into cheers.
The now couple hugged and Ariana couldn't think of a time that she was happier.

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