lovin' it

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Lovin' It
song used: Lovin' It by Ariana Grande

baby don't you know you got all my love
baby don't you know you got all my love

"Aww, Ari, but I don't want you to go," Justin whined, walking into the master bedroom he and his long time girlfriend shared.
"Oh Justin, it'll only be for a little while. I'll be fine. I'm a big girl, you know," Ariana said while picking out an outfit to wear.
"I know, but I won't be there with you. What if other guys hit on you? Who's going to punch them in the face? Or what if they stare at you?" Justin wrapped his arm around her waist and whispered in her ear. "I don't like sharing."
Ariana giggled. "Aw, baby, don't worry. I got my girls and I'll call you if something happens. Okay?"
Justin sighed. "No, not really," he muttered.

hold up, wait, before you go just stay
and talk to me for a little
baby, won't you loosen up just a little, uh?

"Justin, are you okay?"
He looked up. "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine."
"No you're not." Ariana put a shirt she grabbed out of the closet back. "Tell me what's wrong."
Justin breathed and ran a hand through his hair. He sat down on the edge of the bed.
"If you're cheating on me, you can just tell me, you know."
"Justin, I'm not cheating on you! Why would you think that?!"
"Because you've been going out every week and making yourself look really pretty and it hurts because you might be with someone else and not me." Tears started forming in Justin's eyes.
"I don't want to lose you."

see what you don't understand is
falling in love wasn't part of my plan
started with a crush
I call you my man?
thought, would I ever fall in love, ever fall in love again?
cause you give me chills every time we chill I spend all of my days
doin', doin'

"Justin Drew Bieber, don't think like that. I am not cheating on you, and I promise you that I will never. The girls and I just thought it'd be fun to hang out more often since we're all going to get married soon and wouldn't have time in the future anymore. I'm not seeing anyone. Don't you trust me Justin?"
"Of course I do.. I don't know Ari, I'm sorry. I just over think sometimes." Justin placed both hands over his face, ashamed that he even doubted Ariana for a second.
"Babe.. Babe, I'm not mad, I hope you know that. I love how you're so protective of me, but I promise you, I'm faithful. You're the only one for me." She grabbed Justin's chin and lifted his head up until their eyes met. "Trust me, okay?"
Justin cracked a smile. "Of course I trust you. You love me.. Right?"
"You don't gotta question if I'm really lovin' you."

nothin' but lovin' you, nothin' but lovin' you baby
lovin' you, lovin' you, lovin' it, lovin' it baby
boy you got all my, all my
love and affection, all my attention
you don't gotta question if I'm really
lovin' you, lovin' you, lovin' it, lovin' it baby

"I don't wanna go to bed alone." Justin came up behind Ariana, who was doing her make-up, one hand underneath her right breast, another on her ass. "I thought we'd do something fun together tonight."
He started nibbling her ear, then trailing kisses down her neck to her collarbone as she tried to stop herself from moaning.
"J-Justin, I gotta get ready."
He laughed and let her go.

hold up, wait, shut up and kiss me, babe
I just wanna get a little taste
I just wanna get a little taste before you go

"Babe, you don't need any make-up, you're perfect the way you are."
Ariana blushed, as she applied her lipstick. "Thanks, but I really do need it."
Justin shook his head, leaning against the door. "Nah, I don't think so."
She smiled. "Okay Mr. Flirt, can you go out so I can change?"
"Can I? Yes. Will I? No." Justin winked at her. "Do you need help?"

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