The Unbroken

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Running. There’s nothing behind me, as I slalom through the trees. Hazardously I jump and dodge tree branches not daring to slow down. I feel a faint sting on my leg but push through knowing I’ll be there soon. And that’s when I see it, the opening in the trees and I know it’s time to slow down, so as I begin to reach the opening my pace slows and I feel my heart pounding in my chest after the intense run. Finally I stop and meters in front of me is my beautiful lake. I say my lake because no one comes this far into the forest, I’m the only one who knows about this lake. I push my sweeping side fringe out of my eye and feel the sweat on my forehead, I smile. Quickly I sit down on the rock and take a glance at my leg, a long whip like cut goes from my ankle to just below my knee, and the blood has began to run down my leg, but the pain isn’t intense, so quickly I pull of my shoes and socks and without a minutes hesitation dive straight into the lake

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