4: Yuro: Upset

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He had sex. How could've had I let it happen? Wait a second.

I got up and ran toward the bathroom, it was locked, so I knocked it down. "Eek!" Andy screamed. "You broke my door!"

"Yeah so," I got in not caring if my clothes got wet. "Female or male?"

"What?" He frowned.

I gripped his hips and pressed him up against the wall. He gripped my forearms. "You had sex, with a male or female?" I asked.

"Female," he said. "Ow, you're hurting me. Besides I don't have to give you no explanation of who I slept with."

"Yes you do," I kissed him. "Because you belong to me, and only me."

"I don't belong to you or anyone!" he yelled. "Now let me go, I'll be late!"

"No," I kissed him again with forced. He only struggled. But eventually, he responded back. I began to kiss down his chin, and to his neck. There I bit him.

"Ah, the hell that hurts, quit it," I felt him scratch my shoulders. I pulled back and let him go.

"There," I got out and stripped and walked out to the room to get dress.

Minutes later he walked out rubbing his neck. "You made me bleed," he glared. "You perverted old man!" I shrugged and laid there on the bed. I watched him get dress. "I'm out." I follow him.

"You are to come here after school, straight home," I said. "If not I'll go find you and kiss you in front of your friends."

"You wouldn't," he looked at me.

"Watch me," I grin. "You don't know me. When I say something, I do it."

"Fine," he marched out.

I chuckled and laid back down Andy is fun to tease. "Having fun with him?" I stood up. "Relax, I'm Jeffery."

"Hmm," I frowned and sniffed him. "Wolf."

"Yup," he walked in. "I have been in this family since the day Cassidy was with child. So I'd appreciate if you don't harass Andy like that. I know you are trying to help him, but Andy is still underage. You better watch where you put your hands." Just from the way he speaks and his posture. I can tell we won't be getting along. "I respect Belinda, but if you cross the line, well bad things will happen."

"You aren't his father," I said. "So you can't tell him what to do."

"I know, but his my family," he said. "And I'll do anything to protect my family."

"Whatever," I stood up. "I'll protect Andy so you can go and do whatever you're doing."

"Just know I'll be watching," Jeffrey said.

"Jeffery!" I heard a girl yelled. "I got it." A girl with purple hair stood beside him. "Come on. Oh hello. I'm Star"

"Hi," I smile. "I'm Yuro, Belinda's son, kinda."

"Oh, well nice to meet you," she smiled. "Anyways if you'll excuse us. Let's go, Kenny waiting for us with Andrew."

"Okay," Jeffrey looked at me one more time before he followed her out.

I'll have to get rid of him. Not literally, but somehow I'll have to avoid him. He is something. Thinking he can tell me what to do. Well, he's wrong. I'll do what I please with Andy.

The whole day I laid there in bed waiting for Andy. It seemed like forever; I was getting irritated.

"Oh," I got up when Cassidy walked in, she smiled. "I just came to pick his clothes."

"Oh no you don't have too," I said. "Andy will wash them on his own. Your pregnant, you can't be doing things like that. There's too much going on; stress isn't something you need."

"Alright," she smiled. "Thank you for looking out for Andy. This the first time he goes to school without any complaints."

"Your welcome," I grabbed the basket. "I'll tell Andy to wash his clothes."

"Thank you," she walked out.

His mother is lovely. But she looks so, fragile. Andy needs to stop making her worry. She could get sick. I wonder if she was like this.

"I'm home, happy," Andy walked in and dumped his backpack. And just lay in bed. I got him back up. "Hey, what the hell."

"Clean your room, do laundry," I said. "You'll cook your meals."

"Excuse me," he looked at me.

"If you haven't noticed," I drag him out and toward where his mother was. She was with her daughter. "You see your mother."

"Yes I see her," he whispers.

"Well, she's pregnant," I said. "But it seems she isn't doing well. Haven't you notice how pale she looks. I have seen pictures of her. Recent ones, she looked healthy, with color. And now she looks fragile. And this is all because of you. Now you'll do her a favor and take care of yourself. Of course, I'll help you."

"Fine," he said and walked back to his room. I follow behind.

"I know I'm harsh," I said. "But you have to think about your mother's health."

"Yes I know," he laid face down on the bed. "Stop making me feel bad."

"I ain't trying to," I got on him and kissed the back of his neck. "I'm just trying to make you a better person."

"Well it ain't working," he said. "Quit it, get off me. They don't grind against me."

"I can't help it," I sniff him. "You smell good."

"You perv!" Andy elbow me in the stomach, and I got off.

"You didn't have to do that," I pout. "So mean." I grabbed him and set him on top. "You'll learn to love me."

"Yeah right," he gripped my hands. "Let go of me."

"No," I grin and pulled him down for a kiss. I kissed him hard, not wanting to let him go. "Your starting to like this."

"No," his cheeks were red.

"Liar," I let him go. "Let's go do laundry. Best to cook and clean the house. Then you'll do your homework."

Andy rolled his eyes and got up. I follow behind. Teasing him is fun.

Someday he'll be wholly mine. But before that can happen, I have to fix his relationship with his parents. But most importantly with his sister. But she needs to wake up first. Belinda said she would wake up soon. But when.

"Are you going to help me or not?" He glared.

"Yeah I'll help," I grabbed the basket of clothing. "By the way, when you had sex. Did you use protection?"

"Ah," he frowned. "Whoops."

I groaned. This kid is so, stupid. Didn't he learn anything from sex education? Do they even teach that at school? Crap.

"Well pray that she isn't pregnant," I said. "Because I ain't taking care of no baby."

"Whatever," he walked away. "I'll raise it myself. Your just a lousy house cat." I glare.

This kid is going to be the end of me.






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