Chapter 1

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The Complication

By Justagymnast25

Edited by BlissFox


This story is filled with violence, and scary things. I will advise that if you not read this if you are under the age of 9. This story could give you nightmares.

Chapter 1

Hi, I'm Carol. I hate my name, and I have two REALLY HUGE problems. Lets just say that except for having a bad name, that I have a BAD LIFE. Maybe that's just my opinion, but you haven't heard anything yet.

Except for my two HUGE problems, I have a good life. Afterall, who can't say that LA is the best place ever? I'm an actress. A really good actress, in fact, I am one of the best kid actresses in the whole world! Yes, thank you, thank you. But still, my life is bad. I live in a huge house, but my life is STILL BAD. All the boys at my school like me, but my life is STILL BAD!

At this moment, you are probably thinking... "Okay Carol, yeah I get it, you have a big house and everything! just tell us the two REALLY BAD things already!" Don't worry, I'm almost there. I still have to tell you about ME! I have caramel hair, and bright green eyes. I am also, yes, you said it, TINY. I am the tiniest of the tiny. I am the smallest of the small. I am the- okay you get the point. I am in 7th grade, and only 4 feet tall. WHAT AM I GOING TO DO!? In a way, being small isn't a bad thing. In fact, it's one of the reasons that I am such an OUTSTANDING actress! But, there are some downsides. My friends, it is time for me to tell you the two REALLY BAD things.

So here we go, reason number one. Are you sure you want to hear what I'm about to say? If you say so... I have no mother, no father, no siblings, and no aunts, cousins, or uncles. You may be thinking right now, "OMG" but really, thats nothing compared to number two. My parents died in war. My mother was a nurse, and my father was a pilot for the navy. One night, the base was attacked. My dad tried to help, but was blown to bits. Please, don't cry yet, it gets worse.

My mother was killed by an explosion that took place a little bit after my dad was killed. I lost my parents at age 4. I remember how much I cried after I got the message. To be honest, I cried for five days.

After that, I went to live with my Grandparents, "Pepe" and "Meme." Now, don't get me wrong, I love my grandparents, but, well, you know how grandparents are. They don't like to do a lot of stuff. Most of the time, I have to ride my bike everywhere.

It was my Grandma Meme that gave me the idea to start acting. She told me that being an actress would be great for me, and also help the family. So, at age 6, I started acting. From the first class I took, I was IN LOVE. I was obsessed with the stage, and loved to sing. Pretty soon, I was asked to go on a main stage production. At age 8, I was asked to go to on a broadway play, "A Girls best friend." Of course, I said yes. I starred as the main character in that play.

At age 10, I was asked to film a movie in LA (We were living in North Carolina at the time). So, we naturally moved. When we got to LA, I started filming. Long story short, I have become a really good actress. Anyway, enough of this, lets get to REALLY BAD thing number two.

Even though you'd expect me to be homeschooled, I'm not. I actually go to a normal public school. GAHH!!! Sorry about that, anyway, my school has a lot of problems.

#1 It has the worst bathrooms in the history of worst bathrooms.

#2 The food is gross

#3 The teachers are rude


Our school has a lot of bullying problems. So... Almost 4 times a day I see people getting bullied. But that's not the bad part. When I am NOT seeing people getting bullied, I (yes me) am being bullied. And not just a little, A LOT. You may think, Im so cool! Why Why would anyone bully you? Well, I'm bullied alright. Which leads to ANOTHER PROBLEM.

I have a false leg. Yes, me. An amazing person (not really) like me has a false leg. It happened when I got run over by a car last year. I know, this story is really hard to believe. I'm honestly surprised I could have so many problems.

Anyway, I'm bullied because I have a FALSE LEG. They hurt me badly. They try and rip off my false leg. I try and try to get people to stop, I tried to get the principal involved, but she said that she couldn't do anything! You'd also think that the PRINCIPAL had POWER. But NO!!! I have also written a letter to the senator AND governor. They can't do anything either. The bullying problems are getting worse, and I can't do anything about it. So, there you have it, that's a little bit about my life. Now, lets move on

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