Chapter 2

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"Lalalalalala~~" Apple White sang as she was fixing herself infront of her magic mirror.

"Hi Apple," said her roomate Raven Queen. She is mostly annoyed of Apple singing all the time.

"Hi Raven! Isn't it a spellbinding morning?" She asked in joy.

Apple White is such an optimist.

"Kinda.." Raven said. Her day hasn't started yet so she's not fairy sure.

"Well, I have to go, Raven. I have PRINCESSology class after breakfast." She said as she left their room.

Apple went to the CASTLEteria to grab her breakfast. Apple loves anything with apples.

Then she went to her PRINCESSology class.

Meanwhile Daring is in his Hexonomics class. He is sitting beside his brother Dexter Charming.

He suddenly thought of the upcoming legacy day, and his future with Apple White.

Female narrator: it looks like some one is worried.

Male narrator: well he is the future king. Who would overthink about it?

"Uhm, Daring, professor calls you," Dexter told him silently

"It looks like someone isn't paying attention" the professor said.

"Oh! I'm sorry sir," Daring excused himself. "What is it you were saying?" He asked.

"Nevermind Mr. Charming, and please pay attention." The professor said.

Dexter and his other classmates were shocked by this action of Daring. He us not usually like that.

At lunch in the CASTLEteria Daring had his favorite food. Normally at times like this he flashes his very charming smile in front of everyone, but now he seemed very uncertain and out of focus.

Apple was taking her lunch with Briar Beauty, Ashlynn Ella, and Blondie Lockes, when she noticed this Unusual behavior of Daring.

She stood up from their table and went to Daring with her lunch. She sat next to him.

"Hey, Daring," she greeted as she sat down. "How's every enchanting day?" She asked.

"Oh! Hi, Apple, my princess," it looks like Apple caught him off guard.

"What's wrong? You're not usually like this, " Apple said.

"Well I really think I'm not okay right now." Daring sighed.

"Oh dear! Is there something bothering you?" Apple asked, she is worried about this actions of Daring.

"You see, Apple, you are my future Queen,"


"But ut seemed like I don't really like you... No! I like you but I don't likelike you as in love you, but I like as my friend," Daring explained.

Apple chuckled, "Oh, Daring,"

Daring's Charming ProblemsWhere stories live. Discover now