Ryan is a young girl with her whole life ahead of her and her best friend is by her side all the way. Until she meets the boy who she thinks is the love of her life and a boy who she thinks is not. (Sexual Content) (Violent Content)
"A Tragic Tale...
They drive for 30. min. until they reach Jamies house.
Jamie and Ryan enter into the house.
"Would you like something to drink?" Jamie asks ryan
"ummmm...." "Sure...." Ryan says unsure
Jamie hands Ryan a beer, and gets one for himself.
"Do you wanna go to my room?" Jamie asks quickly
"Uh, sure Jamie" Ryan says
"Cool" Jamie say's smiling
They walk up to his to Jamies room. Jamie room is painted black with posters and skateboards everywhere.
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Ryan sit's on the edge of his bed. Jamie sit's next to her. He takes a drink of his beer and then puts his beer on the nightstand and does the same with Ryans beer.
Ryan cheeks are hot as can be at this point. Jamie grabs her and lays her on the bed. He gets on top of her. He kisses her neck, then her cheek, and finally their lips meet. Jamie slides his shirt over his head.
Ryan slowly runs her hands over his chest and then puts her arms around his neck and kisses the hollow of his throat.
"Are you, scared?" Jamie asks
"No, just nervous." Jamie smiles and slides Ryans shirt over her head.
He slides his hands over her stomach. His warm hands clashing with her cold skin.Jamie undoes his belt and then his pants. Sliding them off and showing them on the floor. Which leaves him in his black boxers.
Jamie undoes Ryans skirt next. Sliding it off her long legs. He unbuckles her bra. He kisses her neck as their bodies press together.
"Now I'm scared" Ryan says
"Don't be" Jamie smiles
He moves into Ryan the pain is constant and focused. Ryan moans for the first time when he touches the side of her breasts.
"Oh, Jamie" Ryan Moans
"Oh, Ryan!" Jamie Moans
He kisses her as he slows his pace, he slides out of her....and with one last kiss the fall into a deep sleep their breathing harmonized.