That night.....when Ryan was sleeping....her phone buzzed for her attention.....
What that text said.....broke her heart...
When it started raining that night.....Ryan knew what it was hunter was thinking about when he took that turn to fast.....He was thinking about her
He turned to fast.....But he was fine...._Was fine_
He was sitting in his seat his seatbelt buckled tight.....the leather seat warm between his jeans....perfect....untouched.....
He was fine....
He felt nothing.....thought nothing.....he Was fine
His senses came back to him......He unbuckled his seatbelt....
He crawled out of the shattered car and wreckage......
He crawled to safety .......
Or at least he though he was crawling to safety.....
He crawled to the side of the road....
There was a power line that fell from the storm......a puddle of water.....
When his hand hit the water.....
He was no longer fine....
It was all her fault....
I guess it's never.....know you love someone till they are gone......
"Outsiders Story"
RomanceRyan is a young girl with her whole life ahead of her and her best friend is by her side all the way. Until she meets the boy who she thinks is the love of her life and a boy who she thinks is not. (Sexual Content) (Violent Content) "A Tragic Tale...