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Baekhyun's POV

{ 3 months into pregnancy }


I sighed and crumpled yet another letter. Lately, I've been receiving bizarre letters about a girl named Hyunah.

Apparently from this ominous person had caught several proof that Chanyeol and Hyunah were a ' thing '.

Just today actually, a picture came attached to the letter and what seemed to be Chanyeol and a girl walking really closely next to each other.

Close way too close for my liking. 

What made me even more upset was that Chanyeol never mentioned this girl to me before. It wouldn't of been so bad if he would have told me about her before hand, that way I wouldn't been having thoughts about them.

I didn't want to think of it, I was turning crazier by the day.

As soon as the creak Of the front door was heard throughout the entire house, I quickly stuffed the picture in my drawer beside the bed.

The very moment I shut it, Chanyeol walked in the room, immediately flopping down on the bed.

I sighed once again and strode over to the kitchen to retrieve white chocolate. It was possibly because of the pregnancy I've been craving it so much lately.

The fridge was again empty, meaning I had to pay a trip to the supermarket later. Ew. I do it only to get the things I need but otherwise I wouldn't even step a foot in their. I extremely disliked it.

While taking a seat on the stool, Chanyeol walked in, a fatigued expression plastered across his face.

My anger suddenly seem to raise up seeing him in front of me, images running through my head, imagining with another girl.

Chanyeol must have noticed the way he reached out and held my hand so suddenly. However I flinched and instantly pulled back.

"Baek? What's wrong?"

I rested my hand over my palm and glanced at him. "Who's Hyunah hm?"

The color seemed to drain from his face as he stared at me skeptical, completely surprised but what I had just asked.

"She's a friend."

"Oh just a friend? Why didn't you tell me about this friend?"

"Was their any need to?" He raised an eyebrow and leaned against the counter.

"Clearly yes I need to know." I crossed my arms and huffed.

"Your getting jealous, because she's a friend Baekhyun?"

I stood up from my seat and walked directly in front of him, "Yes I'm jealous Chanyeol what if she's crushing on you and I lose you to her?"

"You won't Baekhyun," he looked down and held onto my shoulders, startling me.

"Listen to me," he began, "I'm in love completely head over heels for you. No matter how many girls or guys walk past me I'll never give them a second glance like I did to you," he then slowly guided my hand over his heart and possibly gave me the most sincere look, "You Byun Baekhyun have already captured and stolen my heart for good. It's not possible for me to fall for someone else. Baby, your absolutely the definition of perfection and if any other word could describe better then perfect you certainly would be that. And now that your carrying my child within you I couldn't ask for anything more. You my entire world, my everything. My perfect little Byun."

At the conclusion of his heart whelming speech, he leaned down giving me the most passionate kiss yet. To this point, my belly felt like it had just exploded into millions and millions of butterflies, and the tears with black shade from my eyeliner ran freely down my face.

Possibly all the letters had been mistaken, what Chanyeol had just said prove it all to be wrong.  I was speechless, I stared at him and couldn't seem to look away.

If it was possible the man in front of me made me fall more in love with him.

"C-Chanyeol I...."

"Don't cry baby, you seem shocked. Is it for what I just said?" He chucked and circled his arms around my waist pulling me against his chest.

"That meant so much to me Yeol, you have no idea," I closed my eyes in delight as he rub his thumbs over my wet stained cheeks, clearing the tears away.

"Now you know your the only one in my eyes, no one else but you and our little one is the only important thing in my life." Chanyeol smiled, placing a hand over my stomach while the other hand rested over my back.

"I love you giant."

"I love you too baby."


Hey guys :)

This was like the cheesiest chapter lmao I cringed too much I'm not good at this types of things

I was maybe thinking of  extending this book and making it longer , comment to let me know if you want that to happened otherwise once Baekhyun delivers I'll end the book :O

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