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Baekhyun's POV

The colors blue and white decorated the entire room. Balloons and streamers occupied every inch of the ceilings and walls. And in the front of it all stood a table full with colorful luscious candies specially in sets of their own color. Very aesthetically pleasing and eye catching , I was pretty proud of how it came to turn out.

At the main entrance stood a big number one and the names of the twins. Today, was a special day, my babies were welcomed into this world in this day, practically a year ago.

Watching them crawl around, in their nicely clothing, and toys in their hands made me realize how fast the time was going by. They were too occupied with balloons, it made me happy to know they were going to spend this day with so much joy.

Chanyeol came around after he had finished bringing everything in that would be needed for the party, "Everything looks alright? Nice? Great? Beyond what you imagined?"

I nodded and took the bags containing party prizes from him, "I think we did a pretty wonderful job. Mostly me, but yeah you too." I smiled cheekily and finishing touching up any last minute things.

I felt him ruffled my hair from behind roughly and pulled me into a tight squeezing hug. "Today makes me so sad yet happy. I can't believe they're already one where did the time go?" He heaves a heavy sigh and places his hands on my shoulders, turning me around to face him. "We must spend every moment with them from now on. Who knows before we know it they'll become adults, get married and have kids of there own."

"Your talking way too soon. Don't even mention all that yet, it's already bad enough that they are one let alone all that happen." I pouted and looked down to the twins who were tugging the bottom of Chanyeol's pants in order to get his attention. "I can't even imagine when that day comes."

Chanyeol only shakes his head chuckling and embraces me in his strong arms again. "It'll be okay, don't be sad my baby."

Tragic truth, but certainly accepting it was the only thing. Time couldn't be stopped and neither could the children's growth. All I could do was hug him back tightly and nod.

Past his shoulder, i saw as people began arriving and among them was no other then Jongdae. His arms were full among carrying dozens of giant presents, definitely he went over the top.

"Oh my gosh Dae, what is all this?" I asked once I stood right in front of him.

"Presents smart one, have you never seen them before?" He laughs and jokingly punched me in my right shoulder.

"You're so annoying," I sigh. "I meant or what  I referred to was why do you have so many?"

"It's my nephews' birthday, don't you think I would spoil them to the last cent? Besides they deserve everything given to them and also they do love toys."

"Clothes could have and would have been better, my house will literally now be infested with toys scattered everywhere. Just by thinking it, it makes me stressed out."

Jongdae grins widely and reaches his hand out to ruffle my hair. "Lucky you then, B!"

Oh, he really loved the idea of seeing me suffer. Luckily for him, before I could get the chance to do something back in return, he eased himself away and towards the birthday boys.

"Baekhyun!" A loud familiar voice came from behind me, startling me a bit.

It was a familiar voice I longed to hear so much, but due to long distances, I could only hear her voice through the phone calls.

"Mom!" I wasted no time and immediately engulfed her into a tight hug.

"'My dear son, I've missed you so much. How have you been sweetie?"

"Same old, nothing exciting. I've been meaning to come around and visit, but the twins really do take up most of my day now. I've missed you very much too."

"Unbelievable, how it's been already a year," she smiles. "I remember them as a tiny little beings and now look at them. It reminds me also at the time when you were born and your first birthday party, I just keep getting these flashbacks. They even look exactly like you when you were a baby, Hyun." My mother cooes as she scoops up Taehyung from the ground.

He giggles loudly and curiously gets to him as he begins touching every inch of her face. Over the course of time, the babies have grown fond of their grandmother and if I could predict the future, I would be sure to say that she will be spoiling them through all their childhood.

Knowing they were going to be inseparable, i decided to greet the guests that continued to arrive. Slowly, the section of gifts began piling and the tables were becoming more occupied.

"Did you plan on having games. You know, for the children?" Luhan, who had just recently arrived asked.

"Not necessarily," I admitted. "I do have some in mind but I pretty much just asked for costume characters to come and entertain them, considering the fact that most of the kids here are very young."

"Don't tell me that Jongdae and Chanyeol will be the ones in costumes?" Luhan raises his eyebrow questionably.

"Oh no" I shook my head. "I wouldn't dare to let that happened. Imagine how that would result in? Basically the whole place would be a great disaster."

"Great choice then, I solemnly see that happening as well. Your fiancée isn't the brightest and neither is Jongdae. And I'm saying this in the nicest way possible" Luhan chuckles and tugs Sehun's along towards a table.

As on cue, dozens of cartoon characters begin walking in, a cute song begins playing as well and kids who acknowledge them began squealing or attempt to touch the costumes. Chanyeol was currently holding both twins, therefore I took ahold of Haneul and moved closer to the front.

His tiny eyes widen as he watched the performance, I could tell he was curious or frightened, by the way he was clutching onto my shirt tightly.

"It's Okay baby, they're just here to entertain you. No need to be scared," I soothe his long bangs away from his eyes. He definitely needed a trim soon.

"Aaaa!" Haneul mumbled. On the other hand, Tae seemed to be enjoying it all, he was very smiley and was attempting to reach out to touch them.

As for the rest of the day went as perfectly as planned. All fun and games happened, the twins looked pretty happy and that's what really mattered to me. When it was time for the cake, both Chanyeol and I held onto one of them and helped them blow out the candles.

Jongdae was in charge of the photographs therefore you can only just imagine how many he took especially during the family picture times.

"We can call today a success?" Chanyeol asked once we sat down with the twins who were sucking on there thumbs as they began to slowly drift to sleep due to exhaustion.

"'Mhm for sure, possibly better then I thought," I looked at him and smiled.

The urge to kiss him was greatly desired, that I leaned over and did it.

"Cutie," he chuckled as I blushed once I saw people looking in our direction.

Certainly, a good and successful day.


Hey cuties!
Slow and short update,, but two more chapters and it will be ChanBaek's wedding chapter !
Hope your all doing well and healthy !
Any favorite comebacks so far? :)

Anyways I love you all Xoxo

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