Chapter 3-Training

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Chapter 3-Training

It turned out I was god awful at using a bow and arrow. I wasn’t being modest. I didn’t even know how to hold it. Lockwood had separated us into two groups, lining us up against opposite brick walls. Some of my classmates expertly wielded the bow and arrow, and some were more like me, gazing at everyone else with bewildered expressions while holding their weapons awkwardly.

Even though Lockwood was only one person supervising 30 beginners, I wasn’t too worried about anyone getting injured (even though the arrows were blunt, if they hit someone’s eye…I didn’t want to think about that).  He had the eye of a hawk and a foreboding nature-I pitied the person who got on his bad side.

More and more people were starting to make attempts, and although they were feeble, I admired their courage. Finally, I decided to seek help from a girl next to me who sent every arrow flying straight into the bullseye.

“Excuse me,” I said, feeling like an idiot as she turned to look at me, steely grey eyes narrowed. “I just noticed that you’re really amazing with the bow and arrow, and I’ve never used one in my life, so-,”

“You aim, pull back the string, and release. It’s not difficult.” She said slowly, but I was certain there was more to it than that.

“Thanks.” I said, flatly.

I brought the string back a few centimetres towards me before releasing it, and watched in dismay as it bounced onto the ground a metre in front of me. The girl beside me snorted at me as she landed yet another perfect shot. I found myself glaring at her and wanting to send an arrow straight into the side of her hip.


An hour later, I was only slightly improved. We’d moved on to try several different exercises, and several different types of bows-crossbows, recurve bows and reflex bows. They all had slightly different feels and advantages, but my aim was still only barely acceptable. It was even worse when we had to shoot individually, and all eyes were on me. My mind and heart had been racing so quickly I had freaked out and delivered what was almost my worst shot yet. The criticism from Lockwood that ensued had been completely humiliating.

Next, we had to use swords. I felt more confident about this. This was a skill I had self-taught myself since the earliest age possible. I’d never used such high quality swords, and excitedly removed the sword from its leather scabbard and marvelled as its brass hilt glistened in the light.

Lockwood taught us the basics first. He took us through parries, blocks, thrusts and basic footwork for about half an hour until he was satisfied. He then partnered us up, trying to match skill levels, but I supposed it was hard to accurately do so at this stage.

I was paired up with a fellow beginner. He was a tall, rake thin boy with cropped blonde hair, ice blue eyes and an overall pale visage. He introduced himself as Zach, and I noticed he handled his sword like it was completely foreign to him. I felt only slightly mean as I sighed in relief that I would be better than him. I desperately wanted not to be the worst in the class.

“I’ve never held a sword before.” He confided.

“I’m sure you’ll learn quickly.” I said, because that was all I could think to say.

He snorted and looked no less uneasy. We had to take it in turns of doing thrusts and blocking. Zach was clumsy, and I’d never been watched while handling a sword before, so I felt equally awkward. I closed my eyes for slightly longer than was normal, visualising myself at home, alone, in the forest. I improved from there on, managing to block out the dozens of people surrounding me.

After these basic partner exercises, we had to have a duel separated into three rounds. I put all my skills into the duel, and won all three rounds. When I’d reassured Zach that he’d learn quickly, I hadn’t really meant it, but he was surprising me with his fast learning. It was a little disconcerting how good he’d been in the last round.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2013 ⏰

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