Chapter 2

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Cassie's POV

I woke up with a mouth all dirty with chocolate.

It's the last day of Christmas holidays.


I really don't want to go back to sch- wait... actually, something interesting might actually happen this time around!

I smiled remembering the events of last night, or this morning depending how you look at it.

I looked at my alarm clock that read 9 am. Damn, when did I ever wake up early? Never mind. This is good.

With the help of my good friend Michelle this year was going to rock, well, what was left of it anyway.

I couldn't really tell why I was so happy this cold winter morning. I hadn't really left a good impression on Sean last night looking like a little hobo. Hobo is not chic. Hobo is not the new black. It should be though. It's so comfy.

The storm had stopped hassling my small town and as I looked out my bedroom window the sun shone causing a smile to appear on my lips.

I had a shower and put on some clothes, even a bra, because I was going over to Michelle's and Michelle believes that you should always look your best when you leave the house. I didn't look my best but I looked better than yesterday for certain.

When I went to the kitchen my mom was making waffles. She put some on a plate for me as she saw me walk in.

"Good morning, sweetie." She greeted with a radiant smile.

My mother is nothing like me.

She is tall. I am short.

She is blonde. I am a brunette.

She has boobs. I don't have boobs.

She is a natural flirt. When I try to flirt it's like every word I know stumbles out of my mouth incoherently and then I just say dumb things I know like "Did you know our planet is going to be destroyed by the sun in a few millions of years?" That may be one of the reasons I never had a real boyfriend... I don't think Timmy McCoy in 3rd grade really counts as a boyfriend.

Our facial features are also very different. My sister looks just like my mother, high cheekbones and defined noses. I don't. When I was little I thought that I was adopted. But turns out I look like my dad, whom I never knew. The only thing we have the same is our eyes.

But most importantly she is a beacon of positivity while I am not.

"Are you going out today?" she asked me as I sat down at the table chewing on the warm tasty waffles.

"Yes." I answered with a mouth full of food.

She glared at me "Cassie, how many times do I have to repeat myself? Don't talk with your mouth full!"

I smiled and swallowed. "Apparently, many times." I replied.

She rolled her eyes and asked me where I was going.

"Michelle's." I answered.

"Well take a warm coat and an umbrella." She said.

"But it's not raining." I said.

"Well it might." She said with a tone that left no room for arguing plus I really didn't have the energy to argue about umbrellas this early in the morning.

I continued eating my waffles in silence as my mother made herself a smoothie probably containing every fruit we had in the house.

My sister came out of her room in her blue Cinderella pajamas.

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