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I was lying in the guest bed scrolling on my phone while Jacob was sitting on the mini couch watching T.V. I glanced at the back of his head as I lay in the bed across the room...He hasn't said one word to me since we got in this room. When I entered the room earlier he was already in the shower and when he was done he then went straight to the couch...rude much? I've already felt bad about how I reacted but damn...can you blame me? I wanted to apologize to him like I told the girls but he wasn't even acknowledging my presence. I glanced at my phone to check the time and I saw it was almost 11:00 at night and I at least wanted to know if he was going to stay on the couch or come in the bed. 

"So..." I began softly "Are you going to stay on the couch all night or are you going to come to the bed?" 

he didn't even budge nor was there a response to me...so I tried again "It's fine if you want to share the bed...I-I don't mind...it's up to you..." 

Once again nothing..."Jacob, can you please just answer me? It's really awkward for us to just not communicate in this room together." I continued staring at the back of his head as he now raised the remote to change the channel...okay, wow...so he really was ignoring me. "You could just nod your head yes or no...pretty simple..." I paused "I'll even take a remote shake or something" I lightly joked but of course nothing. 

After not receiving another response I sighed quietly and plugged in my phone to charge then I got more comfortable on the bed and got under the covers. After a couple of seconds, I began to slowly fall asleep to the light sounds of the tv in the background...that was until I finally heard him say something to me. 

"I can hear your heartbeat." he started "You are afraid. Extremely afraid." he paused "So... because of that I'm going to stay on the couch." With that last response he shut off the TV and I heard the couch 'squeak' which indicated him adjusting himself and laying down on it. 

I decided to not respond to that last sentence because honestly there was nothing I could say...he was right I was nervous being in the room with him but the fact he was being considerate of my feelings was...nice to know...and with that, I fell asleep.

• • •

It was now morning and I was exiting the room that Jacob and I shared. When I woke up he was nowhere to be found so I got up and did all of my hygienic stuff before heading downstairs to follow the smell of the food. As soon as I reached the kitchen I saw Lillianna and Avery in there talking as Lilly made breakfast. 

"Morning guys how was your night?" I asked the girls as I headed straight to the fridge to grab the orange juice. 

"Hm..." Avery hummed as she sat on the island stool and picked some grapes from her plate. "Rayan was more tolerable than I originally anticipated..." she shrugged

"Tolerable...WOW..." Lilly giggled as she continued to cook.

"What's with the laughing? Is there a joke I missed?" Avery quickly snapped back clearly amused. 

"Oh. nothing..." She giggled and smirked lightly as I sat down on another island stool and began drinking the orange juice that I poured.

"Okay, miss giggly." Avery said "How were you and Chresanto's night? Eventful I hope?"

"Informative is more like it." she shrugged as she playfully rolled her eyes. "I was just inquiring a lot on the special abilities of vampires...that's pretty much it." 

"Funny enough, it was the same with me" Avery shrugged and turned to me "How about Jacob? Was he...okay?" 

I sat my glass down and tilted it as I studied the contents in the glass, clearly stalling "He was just quiet...not much to say." I said softly "He was on the couch for the night If I'm being completely honest"

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