Her Royal Madness Part 13

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"Okay now where do I start? Oh I know. So Juna was sent from outer space to rescue us from the bad guys. Well you anyway, the rest of us are just along for the ride. Anyway she rescued us and now she's taking us back to her home planet in Alvonis here." 

"Wait a minute. Henry what do you mean 'in Alvonis'. Isn't she that woman you were just talking to on the intercom." 

"No, Alvonis is the spaceship. Pay attention!" 

"Then who were you just talking to?" 


"But you said - and then you said - but she - - " 

"Listen while I'm talking genius. Alvonis is the ship. She was built by some pretty smart guys who figured out how to go millions and millions of miles in a few days. Now isn't it just possible that they might have a little bit more advanced computers than we do and maybe, just maybe, this computer could not only run the ship but also talk to us and sound like a person. Aren't you supposed to be the science geek around here?" 

"OK I get it. But how did we get here? The last thing I remember is that our side was losing a fight." 

"Whaddaya mean 'losing'?" Nicholas snapped. "When you got two of the leading tacklers in the state on our team. Did you see the way they nailed that lizard. You guys were awesome!" 

Henry sighed deeply and said, "Humble as I am, I never seem to get tired of hearing that. But I must admit, I didn't do it all by myself. Mash helped a little." 

"Gee thanks Hank. Don't be so modest. I'm sure you coulda done it all by yourself. In fact when we get back home, I'm gonna tell Coach to sit me out when you're blitzing, just to prove you don't need me to knock a hole in the offensive line for you." 

"Mash, relax, you know I'm just messing with you. Nick was right, you were awesome. I just wish we had a video of the hit you laid on that lizard. Any other team that saw that would just step aside and let you through." 

"Henry! I saw you and Martin tackle the alien. It was pretty impressive, but I don't need any more descriptions of it thank you. It's what happened after that that's all fuzzy. I remember the other aliens pointing their guns at you and I tried to stop them but I couldn't quite do it and then I saw Martin getting shot and I passed out. Next thing I know, I wake up on a spaceship listening to three morons tell each other how great they are." 

"That was you doing that Maddie?" Nicholas said. "Wow! That was sick. Like you said, those two lizards pointed their guns at Hank and Mash and started shooting. But the bullets just stopped and fell in a pile on the ground. Then this pipe comes flying outta nowhere and starts beating on the lizards. And you did all that - whoa!" 

"Yeah, Maddie, that was cool the way you stopped 'em. So what if you missed one little bullet. I've been hurt worse. Don't forget, I got two brothers who are both bigger than me." 

"They're both right, oh diminutive damsel - which is a first. You done good kid. Go on Nick. Tell her what happened next." 

"Well when that pipe was knocking the guns away from the lizards, you started shaking like crazy. I reached out to grab your shoulders but I almost burned myself. You were on fire. Then the shaking got worse until you just kinda went stiff and your eyes rolled into the back of your head and you dropped. I tried to catch you. Well, I stopped you from banging your head on the ground anyway. You were still burning up and I was feeling a little out of it myself. Did you see how big that cut in my leg was?" 

"Yeah, yeah, while you two ladies were busy passing out, I was watching Mash get his arm shot off. I ran over to see what I could do for him. But when I got to him, he just pushed me away and pointed behind me. Those stupid lizards were getting up and reaching for their guns. So I grabbed the closest thing I could find to hit them with, which happened to be the gun from the lizard Mash flattened." 

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