Her Royal Madness Part 12

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"...Just like I said. You can't tell that it was even scratched." 

"Whoa! Dude, when that lizard shot you, it almost tore your whole arm off. You saw it too, right Hank." 

"Yeah I did. I thought you were a goner for sure. How's it feel now?" 

"Good as new. Maybe better. Remember when I tore my deltoid muscle last fall?" 

"Of course I remember. You missed three games and Riverside hammered us 'cause their quarterback had like all day to throw the ball. And then..." 

"Yeah, Nick, we all remember what happened then. The point is, my shoulder never completely healed. It was always a little sore. Until it got shot off that is. Now it feels better than the other one. I tell ya, that Juna not only kicks butt, she's a great doctor too." 

"And she's totally hot too. You know, I think she needs a younger man. Like me for instance" 

"Sorry Nick, I don't think so. She's not a woman - she's a robot. Did you see the way she just ignored me. There was absolutely no reaction - nothing. She didn't even tell me to get lost like - well that hasn't happened before either, unless you count those girls that felt intimidated 'cause I'm way outta their league or..." 

I was awake enough to realize that I hadn't been dreaming. It was all real. And I wasn't in the mood to listen to any more of Henry's bragging. I opened my eyes and said, "Henry Johnson! You are so full of yourself. If you were even one tenth as good as you think you are. . ." 

"Hey guys, look who finally woke up. Mad-Girl, you're alive!" 

"Well, duh. Of course I'm alive. Why wouldn't I - oh my." Apparently sitting up quickly wasn't a good idea yet. The whole room was spinning.  

"Hey, hey slowly does it lassie. You're not well. Seriously, you almost died. Juna even said so." 

I was flat on my back with my eyes closed again. The world stopped spinning. Slowly this time I opened my eyes and started sitting up. 

"Careful Maddie. Let us help you." Martin said as he and Nicholas each held one of my arms and lifted me to a sitting position. I started protesting that I could do it myself and didn't need their help but I was too weak to be convincing. Besides sometimes a girl likes to be treated like a lady. 

As I sat up I looked around at my surroundings. We were in a small room with metal walls. One of the walls was curved. The ceiling looked just high enough for Martin to stand up straight. The floor was padded with a spongy foam rubber. The bed I was on was the same material, but softer and raised off the floor. There was a low rumbling sound from all around. 

Henry, Nicholas, and Martin were all dressed identically in plain gray coveralls. They had been sitting on the floor talking when I woke up. Now they were hovering over me as if I was about to pass out again or something. I couldn't see what the problem was. Other than being a little tired, hungry, and weak - a feeling that was quickly becoming too familiar - I felt fine. My clothes had been replaced too. I was wearing a one piece suit that completely covered me from the tips of my toes up to my neck. Even though it was skin tight, revealing every contour of my body (I can't really say curves. I don't have any yet), it felt like I wasn't wearing anything at all. I could move any way I wanted without restriction. The whole thing was a shiny gold color. There was one other thing. When I said the suit went up to my neck, that was a bit of an exaggeration. It was cut low at the front to highlight a great big gaudy crystal or jewel or something that was hanging from my neck. The crystal was egg shaped and about twice as big as my fist. It looked familiar. Where had I seen it before? Oh yeah, the woman who had come to rescue us, Juna, had been wearing an identical crystal. 

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