Chapter 16

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Fionna pov

The lich has made its way to aaa what's the big deal about that. "So who is this lich guy anyway."

"I don't know to much about him but my friend does her name is Ariella. She was in ooo when he first appeared there."

"Wait what ooo."

"I will explain later."

He picked me up and flew us to his friends house.

After about 10 minutes of flying he landed in a medium sized house that was black and red. He knocked on the door.

"Coming." I heard someone yell.

The door swung open to reveal a tall girl with bright blue hair. She was really pretty and had the most stunning silver eyes I had seen.

"Marshall." she said then pulled him into a giant hug. "Its been way to long." 

"Its only been 2 years."

"Yeah and that's a long time to me." 

"Come in."

We both went in and then she noticed me. "Whose this."

He blush a little "That's Fionna she my girlfriend."

"Aww Marshy got a girlfriend."

I laughed at her nickname for him I have got to use that.

"She much pretty then the last one."

"Thanks." I said.

"Wait is she human I thought Finn was the only one left."

"Who Finn."

"Oh he is the hero of ooo and you look a lot like him only your a girl."

"Really im the heroine of aaa. By the way what's ooo."

"Its like aaa just with a different name."

"Oh." I said.

"Oh yeah I forgot to give you this fi." My sister told me that Finn found this picture of you and him. A while ago." He said and then handed me a picture.

"Wait you have a sister."

"Yeah her names Marceline. She lives in ooo."

I looked at the picture and sure enough there was me and a little blonde boy in the picture. But we where both babies and a blonde woman was holding us that stood right next and brunette man. 

"Apparently he's your brother." Marshall said.

I had a brother and were these people my parents. 

"Yeah." I heard him say.

Marshall turned towards Ariella. "What do you know about the lich. "

"He is really powerful and leaves a wake of death in his path. He obsessed with destruction to." But I have heard rumors of a holy sword that is supposed to have the power to kill the lich."

"Really where"

"Its in a dungeon. But I don't know where the dungeon is. Its suppose to be a really dangerous dungeon though."

I laughed at that "I deal with dangerous dungeons all the time."

"I think gumball might be able to help on this one." I said to Marshall. "He knows a bunch crap maybe he knows something on this."

"Ugh I didn't want to go back to that wads palace but I guess we kind of have to now." Marshall said.

"Can we stay at your place for tonight. "

"Yeah sure."

"Thanks." we both said then I yawned.

I followed Marshall to a spare room she had. I took off my back pack and plopped on the bed. I Heard Marshall set down. I curled up to him and fell asleep.


So another update done. I happy about it all though I don't think its one of my best. I hope you guys liked it though. And How did you guys like Ariella. She going to have more to do with the story line.

thank you guys for reading this book you guys are all amazing. And thank for all the nice comments and votes. when you guys comment it makes me wanna upload another chapter for you guys so jeep commenting plz.

thats all I have got to say for now so bye for now my peoples


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