T H R E E: La Push

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Athena's POV

I adore La Push.

I don't know why but, I feel more at home there than I ever have in Forks. I know it's really not that different considering the towns are so close but... something inside of me has always felt safe, at peace when I'm there. Jake and I walked along the beach without shoes and our feet in the water.

It's something we do together. We like to call it, 'Jake and Athena time'. Even though we're almost always together when we can be, it's always with Quil and Embry. Not that I don't love my boys but, when it's just me and Jake, there's a piece of me that fits.

"Do you ever feel like, I don't know... Like there's something more to us than  just Athena and Jacob." I asked him deep in thought.

Jake shrugged, "I guess so. Sometimes I feel as though we're meant for more purpose in the world than just, living."

I sighed, "I know the feeling."

Jacob then rolled up his sleeve to look at his watch. By the way his face dropped I knew we were way past the time we should be heading back.

"Crap." Jake muttered. "We should have been back at my house 10 minutes ago."

I lightly shoved Jake, "Race ya there."

"Oh, you're on." Jake grinned evilly.

I broke off into a sprint before he said anything else. I turned around and saw Jake standing there dumbfounded. I stuck out my tongue and that made him start running. I laughed as I made it to our pile of stuff sprawled out on the sand.

"You," Jake panted coming up to me, "Play dirty."

"You betcha." I smiled.

"For a girl." Jacob added jokingly.

I punched his shoulder and his face scrunched up in pain. I smiled triumphantly as I made my way down the dirt path back to Jake's house.


Two days later

Bella has been quite, off lately. I mean Bella is Bella but, she just isn't herself. I always catch her staring at the Cullens. Maybe they have something to do with it?

"Hey Bella." I said and stuck my head in room.

"Hey, come in." She greeted. I walked into her room and sat on the bed.

"Alright I'm going to get straight to the point. Something's up with you, what's going on?" I babbled.

Bella sighed, "It's really nothing."

"Obviously it's something because you're not acting yourself." I argued.

"You really know how to use your words." Bella huffed. I smiled showing off my pearly white teeth.

"So-o-o-o?" I drawled.

"Okay," Bella explained everything to me. She's come to take interest in Edward Cullen, not because of his looks but the way he acts with her.

"He's an asshole, there's nothing to it." I insisted.

"But," Bella flopped on her back on the bed, "There is so much more."

"I think you're over thinking things." I chuckled softly. "Get some sleep."

"I'm not crazy." Bella retorted with a smile.

"Okay, Bella." I laughed and walked out of her room. I was exhausted but luckily it was the weekend.


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