Chapter IV - News

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"Good afternoon, Miss Helena. You scared us for a moment. Do you feel better?"

The doctor, an old man, shows me a condescending smile, one with his head dropped sideways. I hope it is torticollis, because if it is worth, I have had enough of it from all the staff of this damn hospital.

"I feel great, doctor! Like I had just woken up from a car accident" I say with my sweetest smile.

In the last two hours they injected needles on me several times and did more tests than I thought scientifically possible. All this while receiving fake smiles. I do not like being the center of attention and do not want to be the target of another's pity. Nobody gave me a straight answer and all this is making me nervous.

"I understand, at least we know now that your sense of humor remains" The doctor says.

"I should be thankful for the little blessings in the midst of chaos" I speak sarcastically.

What is my problem? If I am a good girl he might tell me where my parents are. I feign repentance:

"Sorry, I think I lost my manners in the middle of my shock".

"I see. Let's wait for the test results. You're a very lucky girl. We believe in a favorable prognosis, only a couple of with physical rehabilitation sections for your leg and you will be brand new".

Luck? I'm all sore on a hospital stretcher, getting looks of pity and no answer.

I talk to the doctor with the most fake smile that I can:

"Lots of luck! What about my parents? They also had luck?"

He frowns, with loss all over his expression.

"Helena, unfortunately there was nothing we could do for your parents. I am sorry."

No, no, no! This must be wrong.

"But they left as soon as the fire started, doctor! How couldn't you do anything?" my distressed voice equals with the despair that I feel inside.

He looks at me as if I had lost my head:

"No, honey, this would be impossible".

I hit the mattress with frustration:

"I know what I saw! Why nobody in this crap hospital believes me?"

I see the doctor look at the nurse. Will they dope again? I need to calm myself down quickly or they will think that I am freaking out.

Do they still used straitjacket today?

I put my hand on his chest, lean my head a little bit and try to mimic DJ's soothing voice:

"I'm sorry, I'm still so confused. All I need is to go to my home. When can it be released?"

They both look at me with pity and understanding. Mission Accomplished.

We know Helena, but unfortunately not now. You need to stay under observation for a while".

Everyone says that it is impossible that my parents have left before the fire started. What if the shadows were only in my mind? Did I see what I wanted to see?

I hope someday I am able to accept the harsh reality: my parents are dead, I'm an orphan, and I have no one else.

♪ ♫ ♥ ♪ ♫

It's hot, the heat keeps the cold out and the black smoke invades the night, infiltrating my lungs. I try to cough, but I have no strength and my head hurts. Fire! The car is on fire! I can not get up, my body weighs... Mom... Dad... Two shadows in the flames? Mom! Dad!

I awaken startled. That nightmare was very realistic! I look at the bedroom window trying to calm myself down with the view of the blue sky when I got scared again: there is a policeman napping in the chair beside me. His cap is down and can not see his face. Weird.

He sucks as a police officer! How did he intend to save me from any kind of danger while asleep? By the way, why do I need protection?

I shout at the sleeper:

"Hey! Who are you?"

I call twice and nothing. He just wakes up in a tangle of arms and legs when I throw a hospital guide on his head.

"What a hell? That hurt, Elle!" She says in an angry voice.

"Sam? What the hell are you wearing?" I ask surprise.

Samantha gets up and I can see that her clothing is much larger than her delicate shape. She removes her cap and loose her long blond hair. Her blue eyes are like her brother's and shine with cunning at me me.

What is she up to this time?

She sits on the edge of my bed, and shrugs:

"The hospital banned visitors to you until further notice. So I put a police uniform and told the nurse that you needed a police escort in the room".

I start to laugh. This is so Sam.

"And did the nurse believe that lie? You're fifteen and looks like Tinkerbell!

She looks at me indignantly:

"Almost sixteen! In fact, I think she recognized me and did not want to call Daddy. Who would want to mess with the Chief?"

That makes more sense. I am glad to see a friendly face: Sam always was my little baby alive.

She hugs me carefully and I thank:

- Thank you for stealing a police uniform just to come see me. I'm pretty sure it's a federal crime.

"You're welcome, but I took it a long time! I always thought I would need one someday" She says with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

If there was justice on the world, the delegate would pay all his sins with little Sam.

"Thank you anyway. It's good to see you".

She looks sad:

"Elle, I'm so sorry! You know how much I loved them too, right? Mom wanted to come, but while you didn't wake up, she began to organize... You know..."

Sam is embarrassed, something unusual happened. Suddenly I understand why.

"The funeral?" I say quietly.

She sits closer and puts her head on my shoulder.

"Yes, we were waiting for you, of course. Do you want to talk about it?"

"No, but I think I should. She chose the coffins?" What if they are not dead?

Sam seems uncertain about what to say:

"No, Elle... There are no coffins... They were cremated. Excuse me".

The tears are freely running down my face. There were no shadows in the flames, not much left for coffins, no hope left for me. They are gone.

All dead, alone in the world, there is no one but me.

"Sam, can you do me a favor? I don't know how long I'll be here, you could ask your mother to make a church ceremony for friends or something like that? I can't..."

I can not handle it. Bear the pity of the hospital's staff is bad enough. And what if it was with the whole city?

Knowing the truth and accepting it are two very different things.

Sam holds my hand.

"I'll help mom to take care of everything, Elle. You are not alone and to prove it I brought some hidden gifts".

She gets up and pick up her red purse that was lying on the couch.

"Santa Claus came early, merry christmas! - Sam begins to withdraw the items - an iPod, because I know you love music! A book to distract your mind, another book because you will read this first one quickly and this photo album for you to remember that even if they are not here anymore, your parents will always be alive in your heart".

I say tearfully:

"My God Sam, Thanks! When did you grow up?"

She gives me a bright smile that reminds a lot of Chris, but Sam has an innate sarcasm with a raised eyebrow.

"What? You thought I was just a pretty face? - She approaches and embraces me again - I want you to remember that this album is full of other people who care about you too".

Sam sits with me and we began to see the photo album, recalling our childhood. I smile with a funny picture of me with Samantha and Chris playing in the secret hideout. My parents gave me so much... They seemed to know that our time together was shorter than usual.

I really was lucky: Chris lost his father long before me, even though he is still alive.

"Did you know that he's here?" Sam whispers.

"Who's here? " I ask anxiously.

 "Who's here? " I ask anxiously

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Elle - music, love and friendship (A Jack Rock Novel)Where stories live. Discover now