Part 115

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 Riverpaw looked around to find Cloud limping toward her. With a rush of worry, Riverpaw quickly padded forward and allowed her brother to lean on her.

"Why are you out of your nest?" she asked, and Cloud just smiled.

"I have to talk to you, and that wasn't the place to do it."

Riverpaw rolled her eyes and helped him sit. After he had a settled, a moment of silent stretched, and Riverpaw fidgeted, wondering who should speak first.

"Yesterday," Cloud began, then paused to clear his throat nervously. "I had something important to ask you...But after thinking about it, I don't think I need to anymore."

"You can ask!" Riverpaw said hurriedly, "Please, I'd like to know."

"I... the first time you left with that injured cat, I thought you might die out there...Then you left again to take part in that plan, and you never even told me. Hana had to stop me from going out to check on you. I probably would have ruined the whole thing...but that's when I realized just how scared I was to loose you again. You're really the only family member I have left... and I want you to stay with me, here in the Tribe, so we can be a family again."

Riverpaw swallowed, her heart racing. I know how you feel, Cloud. When you were injured yesterday, I could have lost you...I want to stay with you too, but...

"But," Cloud continued, interrupting her thoughts, "I saw you with your friends and clan mates, and I realize that, even though you are my sister and I don't want you to leave, you found what I found; a family. You have cats who you care about now...and I guess I have to let you go..."

Riverpaw stared at the ground, trying to gather her thoughts. For a while after seeing him again, she had wondered if he could come back to the clans with her...but after seeing him with Hana and how much he seemed to enjoy the Tribe, she knew that that was never going to happen. They were still brother and sister, but they couldn't be together anymore.

"Listen, Cloud..." She began, and the white tom looked at her. "I understand where you're coming from, and I kind of wish I could stay, but you're right. I have Stonepaw and Echopaw, now, and I'd never leave them."

Cloud bowed his head and let out a single laugh.

"Yeah, that's exactly what I figured."

"But," Riverpaw added, "We're still family. You'll always be my brother, alright?"

He lifted his head and smiled weakly.

"I know that, pigeon-brain." He said, his voice cracking slightly, and Riverpaw smiled at the nostalgic insult. The few times they were able to play together when they were younger, they had often called each other pigeon-brains. Cloud took a step forward and quickly licked her forehead. "I love ya, sis."

"Yeah, I love you too, pigeon-brain."

Cloud sniffed slightly and turned to leave, hesitantly putting pressure on his injured foot, but Riverpaw stood hurriedly to stop him. "Actually, there was one more thing."

"Really? After that extremely touching moment? That was a great way to end the conversation!" Cloud laughed, but sat down again.

Riverpaw rolled her eyes, and a flash of nervous energy pulsed through her. Within the last few moments, she realized there was something else he needed to know. He was the one cat she would confide in...for now.

"Well, actually I wanted to tell you something pretty important."

Cloud cocked his head, inviting her to continue.

Riverpaw decided not to delay,

"I received a message from my ancestor."

Cloud leaned away, bewildered.

"You still hear your ancestor?"

"S-still?!" Riverpaw stammered. It was her turn to be confused. "What do you mean?"

"In the city I remember there were a few times when you used to talk to someone in your sleep. You called them your ancestor. I always thought you were just having strange dreams. You've been seeing your ancestor again?"

"I have!" Riverpaw responded. This new information sent a shiver down her spine. She had always assumed the first time she met Forerunner was on that snowy night. If she knew her before...Why didn't she tell me? "Lately I've been having very vivid dreams about her."

Cloud listened intently as Riverpaw explained Forerunner and the deadline. However she found herself leaving a lot of information out. She didn't include any of her previous encounters, simply stating that they'd met a few times and that Forerunner seemed to be helping her. Riverpaw wondered why she didn't just share everything. Cloud was still Cloud, even if he was better at hiding things...what was holding her back? Riverpaw didn't stop to think about it.

"So that's pretty much everything. I need to get back to the clans within the next two days, so I'll be leaving tonight..." 

Cloud stared at her.

"You're leaving by yourself?! Tonight? River there are still wolves out there! Not to mention loners, rogues, Man...take someone with you! Anyone!"

"There's no one I can take with me! Normally I'd tell my mentor or my friends, but Ashheart would want to tell the others, Stonepaw is injured, and Echopaw needs to stay with her brother."

"Well then, can't you just stay here? Ignore the deadline?"

"I don't know what will happen. Forerunner seems powerful when she needs to be, and I don't think I want to make my mysterious ancestor angry."

Cloud looked away and closed his eyes.

"Then have Hana go with you!" He said. "She'd go if I asked her..."

Riverpaw shook her head.

"You can't do that to her, Cloud. You're injured, and she needs to be by your side. Plus I don't know her all that well..."

"Great chance for you two to bond," Cloud said with a slight smile, and Riverpaw laughed.

"I'll be fine on my own, Cloud. Remember how I traveled from the city to the clans? I was fine then and I'll be even better now that I have training from Thunderclan."

Cloud sighed.

"Yeah...yeah, I know you'll be fine. Just, please be careful. Don't take any risks. Stay away from all traces of Man. be honest, I think you should tell your friends."

"I can't-"

"No, you can." Cloud insisted firmly. "How would you feel if Stonepaw or Echopaw disappeared without a word?"

Riverpaw opened her mouth, determined to say that of course she'd understand, but that wasn't true. If either of her friends left without telling her...she'd be hurt to say the least, no matter how good their reason.

"If I tell them they'll try to come with me."

Cloud shook his head.

"I don't think you give them enough credit. Explain the situation, and they'll understand." Cloud bumped her shoulder and stood carefully. "Come on, you can talk to them now."

Riverpaw's heart skipped a beat. Nervous energy coursed through her, and she nodded hesitantly. Cloud leaned against her as they padded back to the alcove. With her friends growing ever closer, Riverpaw found that she couldn't make eye contact. Why am I so hesitant to tell them? Cloud's right, they'll understand. But her racing heart seemed to disagree. There was something telling her not to reveal Forerunner to anyone else...

"I can't." She whispered.

Cloud's ear twitched and looked at her,

"Hey, they're your family, right? You can tell them."

Riverpaw swallowed and felt her heart beat begin to slow. I can. Of course I can.
Cloud limped to his nest, where Hana lay curled, and settled down. Riverpaw stayed where she was, still not quite able to look at her friends.

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