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We walk down a ramp, into what was once an underground car park. Marching across the first floor we go down another couple of ramps to the lowest level and are met with voices.

A group of four soldiers are standing two per side of the ramp behind some sort of barricades standing guard. Paul waves to one and they move the center barricade slightly to allow us to enter.

A guard walks up to us looks at Paul and then across to me, his eyes dart down to my stripes and he salutes. "Private Wilkins. Welcome to Camp Hope. Sir." 

I return the salute and reply "Thank you private. Good name for a camp."

"The civilians named it Sir. The Major thought it was fitting." 

"That it is, what's the protocol for visitors private?" I ask

"All visitors are to report to the Major, escorted by at least two soldiers Sir."  he replies

"We got this Wilko." Pipes up Colin

"Cheers Col, see you around Sir." he says saluting and returning to his post.

Paul motions us to follow him and we walk through the camp.

Civilians and Soldiers mingle together, some playing with small children. I turn and look towards our destination as my heart pounds in my chest. 

We round the bend and walk up to the opening of a tent, erected in the corner of the car park.

Paul talks to the guard and then motions us to follow him into the tent.

Stepping through the opening and into the interior I scan the command center.

Papers, radio equipment and other assorted electrical's line the tables with people sitting at them.

In the center of the room a large table with multiple maps strewn across it's entirety, dominates the small area.

I then Notice Paul and Colin saluting and the Major standing before us, snapping to attention and saluting I snap out "Corporal Michael Simmons reporting for duty Sir."

Major Donahue returns the salute. "At ease gentlemen. Make yourselves comfortable." he motions for us to take a seat. 

Paul and Colin recount what happened on their patrol then regurgitate what John told them about how we came to be here. John fills in any gaps before the Major looks at me. "You don't talk much do you Corporal?" he asks

"No Sir, I'm a thinker and doer rather than a talker Sir." I replied

He smiled and asks "So I hear that you have presents, Paul and Colin here have told me you have something of interest without actually telling me what it is. That is no mean feat as those two are known to, shall we say, blurt things out?" he glances over as Paul and Colin feign looks of hurt as we all laugh.

"We do Sir, I would never gotten as many as we dhave if it wasn't for John here." I turn to pick up the bag and pass it the Major.

He opens and states "Are you shitting me? Are these what i think they are?"

"Yes Sir alien tech." I reply

"Outstanding, Captain." he states holding out his hand to shake mine

I take his hand shake "Sir, it's Corporal Sir."

"Not anymore, Captain." He quips

"Sir, with all due respect I could be anyone or impersonating an officer. Making me your second in command is risky." I state adding "Sir" a moment later.

"Quite right, One I know who you are I met you last year. You were supposed to be in a command position in my unit, i requested you until the invaders came and all transfers were put on hold. Two you have shown that you are still military and have acted accordingly. Three you asked about procedures of new visitors and I saw the look on your face when they said they had none except an escourt. Four Paul and Colin already told me you saved their hides and Five Your human. With that taken in consideration and your response just now to me, promoting you, I'd say it was a good choice." he looks at me with a smile and continues

"That and you are the only other officer that I have come across, I have my eye on some of the privates to promote in the next few days and as you are the only other officer here, other than myself, we can't have you being out ranked now can we?" he finishes and turns towards the crate behind him.

He pulls out three epaulettes and throws one to myself, one to Paul and One to Colin.

Captain, Corporal, Coporal. he nods to the three of us in turn.

Paul and Colin are already swapping their epaulettes as I watch. I look at the Major, nod and accept that I'm now going to be something i never wanted to be. One of the guys in charge.

"Corporals, congratulations and dismissed." he states

"Thank you Sir." they both reply as they salute and leave the tent.

The Major turns and ushers me over. John looks over to me as if to ask what do I do.

The Major notices his look and ushers him over too.

"John, have you been in the military?" he asks

"No Major. I am wondering where i fit in really, seeing as this is a military show?" he replies

Major Donahue looks over at me and I say "John has been my right hand all through this so far, I'd like to keep that going if possible, I owe him my life a few times over already."

"We're even I counted." says John smiling.

"Ok, I can see from you two your going to be sticking around anyway so we may as well make it official John your being drafted, your now a Lieutenant, reporting directly to Michael, where he goes you go. If anyone asks, just reply wouldn't you like to know. Michael will show you the ropes and i'll get someone to grab you some equipment we managed to locate a few days ago. Right, now the formalities are over with. When we are not in front of the men or we're in here." he motioned around the tent. "It's Chris, not Major. I lead from the front, I always have and always will. I expect you two to get stuck in, somehow I don't think that will be a problem. Right now Paul and Colin are likely telling everyone that will listen you saved their hides and with alien stolen tech. If you two would go around and dish out the tech, train the men up to use it and we'll then decide on how we're going to get some payback." he pauses and looks sombre

"I had one hundred and twenty men under my command, I have thirty five left excluding the two of you. That, in my book, means the invaders owe me a hell of a lot of payback. You two have provided us with the ability to fight back, I intend to use it. Since you have done more than we have in the same time, I think we should start doing something, don't you?"

I look at John and then back to the Major.

"We're in, what do you have in mind?"

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