More Than Effort

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"Put him down or you can risk the very likely chance of me ripping off your balls and selling them on the black market." My voice rang through the hallways everyone freezing in place to watch me kick the beautiful ass of Harry Styles, the punk who seems to get kicks and leaps of joy out of beating the shit out of my brother, once again. I do mean that he's beautiful. Honestly, I would have probably agreed to one of the dates he always asked me on, you know if he wasn't a douche dick 100% of always. Harry dropped my brother smirking at me. We always fought. Most people thought it was him being a douche because I was a girl, but I enjoyed it. The challenge, extra pizzazz he put in to piss me off. It was refreshing.

"Aw look your sister came to get her ass kicked again!" He cooed. I gave him a fake smile before grabbing twisting his arm behind him, a small whimper escaping his lips.

"What was that Styles? I couldn't hear it over the sound of you crying for help." I said mocking him. He turned me around in a fast movement and toppled over me pinning me underneath him. I tried rolling underneath him and pushing him off but his fat ass wouldn't move. Well I couldn't really say fat, he was really in shape and muscular.

"I could just fuck you right here in front of the whole school and you'd probably let me." He whispered into my ear. I gasped and finally kicked him and used the strength in my legs to bend his up making him roll off me on his own. I sat over him my legs on both sides and my crotch hover right over his.

"I could just fuck you up right here in front of the whole school and you'd probably let me." I said mocking him again. He growled and tried sitting up but, I felt something poke me. I gasped and stood up abruptly and helped him up. The crowd disbanded seeing the show was over.

"What the fuck was that?" I asked in frustration. If it was what I thought it was it meant I had an ounce of control over him. He growled again before turning around and walking away. I folded my arms across my chest and walked over to help Anderson, aka the victim in this or my brother, up off the floor

"What happened why didn't you knock him out?" Anderson asked dusting himself off. I rolled my eyes grabbing onto his hand and pulled him into the girls bathroom. A few of the cheerleaders were in there, one being the biggest bitch in our town, Claire Reedson.

She wasn't even supposed to be on the cheer squad. She sucked at it, she didn't know how to do anything but, tumble. Nobody even liked her, but she was rich and threw cool parties, therefore leaving her on top.

"Oh look girls, it's faggy and his queer sister." She remarked.

"Oh I see your still bribing people with your money Claire, how much did you have to pay for them to come in here and shit with you?" I retorted folding my arms over my chest. My brother fell to the ground in laughter as I smirked at Claire, who for some strange reason had her mouth wide open. Almost like I said something to offend her.

Claire scoffed and angrily stormed out of the bathroom, her clique following behind her.

"So what were you saying about douche dick?" Anderson asked referring to Harry, and calming down from his laughter.

"He got a boner." I mumbled quietly and folded my arms again.

"I'm sorry what?" Anderson said not hearing me.

"He got a boner when I was on top of him! Ok? Happy now?" I shouted probably too loud.

Anderson bursted out in laughter once again. I rolled my eyes but, smiled anyway and exited the bathroom Anderson following behind me.

"Deylanie wait up!" A voice called out. But it wasn't just any voice. It was Ashton Irwin's. I've had my eye on him since 6th grade when I saw him jogging shirtless. For most people I would've been considered a stalker but, girls at this school no not to mess with me. Lets just say the last girl who did no longer goes to this school and may or may not carry an oxygen tank with her now.

"Hey Ashton!" I said walking toward the exit as the bell rung.

"I'm glad I caught up to you I wanted to ask you something."

"Sure what is it?" I said walking into the school parking lot.

"Do you wanna maybe go out this Saturday night, like maybe dinner or a movie." He stumbled out.

"Sure! Uh I mean y-yeah that sounds cool, here let me give you my number-" I was reaching into my bag to pull out a piece of paper when my brother ran outside and hid behind me. I rolled my eyes and sighed, knowing Harry would be following out soon, but I was wrong. It wasn't just Harry, he brought all of his friends. Niall, Zayn, Louis, and Liam, all of them were incredibly gorgeous. But they had the same problem as Harry. They suffered from a serious case of Bitchomnia. The disease that causes you to act like bitch all of your life. So far there's no cure, or else I wouldn't have to go though this shit everyday. Harry never let his friends gang up on me, he knew that was too far. Sure, I took tae-kwon-do but, taking down 5 varsity football players all at once was about as possible as, my brother ever being attracted to girls.

"Well this isn't a surprise, of course the prissy is hiding behind his sister." One of them, Louis, spoke. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Hey Louis how about I tell the whole school about what you do on Sunday Nights? That seems fair enough right? I don't even know why you keep it a secret, I've read somewhere that watching Broadway plays is very popular amongst the male gender." I taunted. Louis glared at me and was about to step forward when Ashton stepped in front of me.

"Can you guys stop acting like jack asses for at least one day in your life? God damn you act like this is fun!" Ashton fumed. He turned around and I smiled at him. I pulled the paper from my backpack this time actually being able to hand him my number.

"Oh boys, looks like Deylanie's got one hooked! Maybe-" Harry was about to suggest something, but I was already walking with my brother to my car. He glared at me and started walking toward me but, I was already starting up my car.

"Hey I wasn't done with you!" Harry spat.

"Oh I'm sorry, I've actually had enough of your bitch complaints today, go talk to someone who actually gives a shit Styles." I retorted before, pulling out of the parking space and driving off.

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