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Have you ever had one of those sleepless nights where, you really want to go to sleep and you just cannot fall asleep? I have those sometimes. I had one yesterday. My mom was yelling at my dad over the phone again about how if he didn't pay child support shed take him to court again. If I were my dad I probably would've just listened to her. Mostly, because the last time my dad went to court with my mom she won the house and half of his money. That doesn't seem like much, but my dad was a rich man.

Anyway, so I think to myself while I'm in bed at 3:00am, that maybe if I get something to eat I can fall asleep. I get up walk to my fridge in the world's most revealing night gown, because I can't honestly say that I was expecting anyone to come to my door at three o'clock in the morning. My luck have it, I expected wrong, and being the lazy little shit I am, I was too lazy to go upstairs and get a robe. I trudged my feet along the wooden floors and opened to door to find a drenched in ran water Harry Styles.

"Hey. I um, I crashed my car down the street and I only know where your house is, can I use y-your p-phone." He stuttered. He had his arms wrapped around his sides, he was obviously freezing.

"And why should I help you?" I asked folding my arms.

"Just p-please I'll do anything you want." He bargained. I sighed and opened my door wider to let him in but, I put my foot in front of him.

"Since I know you probably won't leave Anderson alone after I leave, all I ask is that you just don't bring your buddies into it and gang up on him, you know he's not that strong and you could end up killing him. Do you understand?" I asked looking into his deep green eyes. Sometimes when I was hitting him I purposely avoided his face.

"O-ok I p-promise. And one more thing? I still hate you." He smirked. I mocked his expression and brought him in side and walked up stairs. As I reached the top of the stairs I looked at the mirror. I gasped to myself. I had way to much cleavage showing and my butt was basically hanging out. I sighed to myself as I grabbed my jacket and a pair of pants along with my phone.

"Awww why'd you change, I was loving the view." Harry cooed as I stepped outside with him.

"One, that's disgusting. Two, do you want my help or not?" I asked dropping my hip and tapping my foot. Harry rolled his eyes and lead me to his painfully obvious broken car. The car had run into a pole and had dents all along the front.

"Um wanna explain this shit, or do you want me to guess?" I remarked, still checking out his car.

"It's not like you'll understand anyway, what do you know about cars?" He teased. I scoffed and folded my arms across my chest. I popped up the hood and took a quick look in.

" It looks like your engine is busted and the bottom of your break fluid line is detached. Or and your radio won't be working anytime soon." I added. Harry's eyes widened.

"How did you know that?" He asked still surprised.

"I had to learn how to fix my own car so my dad took me to an auto shop and I got to spend a whole summer with my uncle, who for some reason thinks he's married to a car." I explained. He chuckled at the last bit and leaned in to look at the car next to me.

"Now I have a question, what exactly were you doing so that you were Driving at 3:00 am?" I questioned.

"Well erm, I was coming from a party and I was driving Niall home, and this dude was drunk as hell. So he got out of the car and he's just stumbling along the street now I guess. I was actually driving to look for him. I couldn't see anything that well and that's when I crashed." He explained hugging his arm to his side, and his head was down obviously disappointed.

I remember that look. It was the same look he got in 3rd grade when we were on the play ground.

"I remember that look. That's the look you got when I kissed you on the play ground." I recalled. Harry chuckled as we talked about the story.

*Flash Back*

Harry pushed me on the swing set. I giggled to myself as he pushed me higher and higher. I jumped off the swing while in the air and landed on my feet. I laughed as I turned around and smiled at him to see him smiling back at me.

"H-Harry c-can I try s-something?" I stumbled out. Harry nodded his head and I stepped closer to him. I grabbed his hand in mine and smiled again before kissing him on the cheek. I leaned back out seeing a blush creep onto his face.

"Harry likes Deyla! Harry likes Deyla!" A small brunette boy shouted. Liam Payne. Harry pushed me back a few feet and I fell onto the ground.

"I do not! She's a girl! Girls are stupid!" He protested. Liam simply laughed and walked away. I got up and ran from him crying. I hid around a building wall and watched him as he sat down on the swing with his arm hugged to his side and his head dropped down.

*end of flash back*

The rain had completely fucked up my jacket and Harry's clothes so we went back inside and I lent him one of Anderson's big shirts and sweat pants.

"You can stay here if you want to but, your sleeping on the damn couch. If my mom comes down before me say your Anderson's friend, and make it painfully obvious you are his friend ONLY." I said grabbing some sheets out of my closet. Harry mumbled under his breath and I smirked still reaching for a blanket on the top shelf. He chuckled as he came up behind me and grabbed it with ease.

"You looked like you were having some trouble there." Harry teased. I folded my arms and crossed my chest. I was moving my body toward the stairs when I felt Harry grab my hand.

"If it means anything, I'm sorry." He said pouting his lips. I looked at him with a smile before heading up stairs to my room. I slipped under the covers and drifted off into a sleep I just didn't want to wake up from.

"Deyla, Deylanie! Wake the fuck up!" I heard loud whisper in my ear. I quickly sat up and realized Harry was sitting on the edge of my bed. I looked under my covers unsure of what's happening and sighed in relief when I realized I still had clothes on.

"What are you doing in my room? I told you to stay downstairs!" I whispered as well.

"You look so weird when your sleeping." He said smiling and suppressing a laugh.

"Oh wow thanks stalker, now answer my fucking question." I said walking into my closet to pick out my outfit for school.

"Your couch was uncomfortable so I slept on the edge of your bed." Harry admitted.

I stormed out of my closet throwing his clothes at him. Harry laughed loudly falling back onto my sheets and looking up at the ceiling.

"By the way, your room isn't terrible." He said staring at my band posters and vine covered walls. I smiled admiring my room again before, turning around to get dressed.

"Um I'm still in the room you know that right?" He said standing up.

"Yeah and I don't care,your probably not going to leave and I need to get ready." I explained taking off my shirt and pants.

"Yeah that's true." He agreed sitting back down again. I put on a pair of black high waist shorts and a green off the shoulder crop top. I combed my curly hair and put on my light make up.

"Wow I was expecting you to take hours." Harry teased getting up again. He went to the door of my room and headed down stairs. I grabbed my backpack and followed behind him.

"Anderson hurry up or I'm leaving you!" I called upstairs.

"I'm coming shut up!" He yelled back. I grinned as I stuck a bagel in my mouth and headed out stairs to my car.

"I think I'll just walk, I don't really want to answer the questions of why you gave me a ride to school." Harry explained. I nodded and watched him walk down the street.

"Ugh I'm so hungry, did you eat the last bagel?" Anderson asked locking our house door.

"What uh yeah sorry, you wanna stop at McDonald's?" I suggested getting into the car.

"Yeah I guess, by the way the next time you let Harry sleep here, don't give him my fucking clothes." He complained. And I laughed as we pulled out the driveway.

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