Crystal Gives Birth

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I am enjoying having the love of my life sitting on my lap and listening to Fat Joe Remy Ma and French sing All the way up. I'm slowly getting her back and I am so excited about that. She is my everything more. After the song ended we started talking and then I went in for the kill....I'm joking, but still having her here in front of me felt so real and so right

Jay: I love you Crystal and I want to marry you someday

Crystal: I want that too Jay

Jay: Will you be mines once again and this time we get it right

Crystal: I would love that Jordan Santana Mena

Jay: Really babe the whole name

Crystal:*laughing* There still Bash lurking around Jay....What are we going to do with him

Jay: I don't Crystal but we need to know the who the father is once and for all and when it says that I am the father then we can kick his ass to the curb and we can go on with our life

Crystal: You know what Jay

Jay: What babe

Crystal: Nothing Compares 2 U

Jay: I love that song babe

Crystal: Prince made some great music and his legacy will go on forever

Jay: I know and he was my favorite artist

Crystal: I miss him already

Jay: Me too


Jay: Can I get a kiss Crystal

Crystal:*leans back and kisses him*

Jay: I missed this so much

Crystal: Me too

Jay: Babe

Crystal: Yes babe

Jay: Um why am I wet

Crystal: I don't know *pain comes* SHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIT

Jay: What's happening

Crystal: My water just broke



Jay quickly lifts Crystal and rushes to the car and then puts her in and then he gets in and then rushes to the hospital and got the nurses attention and they sent some male nurses and doctors out to the truck and they brought her in and they immediately took her into the maternity wing and they hooked her up and told her what was going on

Doctor: Hello I'm doctor Skip and I will be your doctor today

Jay: You was at my moms house or was it the other one

Skip: You must have me confused with someone else

Jay: Sorry but anyways what's going to happen now

Skip: Well she's 5 centimeters and we need her to get to 6 before we can do anything as far as epidural if she wants it

Crystal: I want it.....SHIT

Skip: So we will come back in 10 minutes and she should be 6 centimeters dilated

Jay: Cool

*10 minutes later*

Crystal: The pain....Make it stop Jay please *crying*

Jay: I know babe but wait until the doctors come back

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