{8} to grabby

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Jacks pov

I smiled as Mark kept rubbing my leg. His touch is so gentle and caring. I was playing around with the little devise in my pocket as we pulled into the driveway of 'paradise'. Mark and I walked into the club through the big red entrance doors. I scanned the club and saw the lights were flashing, music was playing, and guys in nearly nothing dancing on poles. I blushed as I felt an erection forming. Mark led me to a back door that led to a changing room. The walls were a dark maroon. The floor a black marble. There were large mirrors with light bulbs on them on the walls. There were alot of kinky outfits lying around. I blushed at all of them. We went through another door that led to a bunch of lockers. Mark opened one that had my name on it. He pulled out a pair of really short black jeans shorts, leather boots, and a rainbow bow tie. I blushed as Mark handed me the outfit. "I'm sorry kitten I know it's showy but it's all we have" said Mark as he rubbed the back of his neck. I chuckled "Its fine Mark". Mark smiled and stepped out so I could get changed. This is a strip club so I decided to not wear underwear. After I was completely dressed I walked out. Alot of guys whistled as I walked out. I blushed and walked over to Mark. "You look great kitten" said Mark smiling with a small hint of blush on his cheeks. He led me behind the bar. "Do you need help with anything Jack?" He asked signaling to the drink ingredients. "I think I'll be fine Mark". Mark smiled "remember if someone gets to grabby you have the button". I smiled as Mark walked to his office. A blonde guy walked up to the bar "Hey cutie can I get a martini?" He said with a smug grin. I quickly made the drink and gave it to him. "Thanks" he said with a wink as he walked away. My first day was going pretty good so far. Until I handed a guy his drink and he started to stroke my arm. I tried to move my arm away but he held it tightly. "You have such soft skin" said the man as he stroked my arm. I could smell the gallons of alcohol on his breathe. I finally got my arm free "Thank you" I said coldly. I was making a guys drink when the drunk guy who stroked my arm came behind the bar. "You can't be back here" I told him not even looking at him. I felt him squeeze my ass "Come on sexy let's have a good time" he slurred. I pushed his band away. "Leave me alone you dirty old pervert!" I said louder. All of sudden he forced me to the ground. He started unzipping my pants but I pressed the button that Mark gave me. I heard Marks door slam into the wall as it swung open. He walked over and pulled the guy off of me by the collar of his shirt. "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!" yelled the drunk guy. Mark didn't say a word, he just walked to the door and threw the guy out of it. He came over and lifted me up bridal style and carried me to his office. He sat me down and got a medikit from his office bathroom. I was gonna ask what it was for, but then I noticed I scraped my knee when the guy forced me to the ground. Mark got me all patched up and then hugged me. "Are you alright kitten?" He asked me. I nodded "I'm ok Mark" I said smiling. "You don't have to go back to work if you don't want to" he said looking into my eyes. I smiled "it'll be fine Mark" I hugged him close to me "I have you to protect me" I whispered.


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