{11} the first date

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Jacks pov

I giggled as Mark swung me around more and more. I was so happy he asked me out on a date. He put me down on my feet and I kissed his cheek. "We gotta open Mark" I heard Devine say. I heard Mark sigh, I rubbed his back "Don't worry Mark this day will go by fast" I told him. He smirked and put his lips by my ear "I just wanna get to our date" he whispered. I blushed and smiled. The dancers got on stage, I got behind the bar, and Mark went into his office. Handsome men began to enter the club, but none of them were better looking then Mark. Men began to pile up the bar asking for different drinks. I was getting pretty good at this job and honestly it's pretty fun. I was cleaning a drink I spilled when I saw Jasper walk over "Hi Jasper" I said. He was very sweaty. "Hey Jack, can I get a bloody mary?" He asked me. I made the drink and gave it to him. He gulped it down "thanks" he said smiling he wiped his forehead and walked back to the stage. I felt my phone vibrate. It was a text from Mark

Markimoo ♡: is everything alright out there Kitten?

Me: yeah I'm fine Mark don't worry

Markimoo ♡: alright remember if anything happens you have the switch

Me: I know Mark :)

Marks pov

I was sitting in my office texting Jack making sure he was safe. I just get so worried. I even asked Jasper, Devine, and Midnight to keep an eye on him. Am I paranoid? Nah. He's gonna be fine I won't let anything happen to him. I got up from my desk and walked over to my little mini bar in my office. I poured a shot of whiskey and gulped it down. I screwed the bottle back on and sat back in my chair. I turned on my lab top and began to play world of warcraft, when I think about it I really am a secret nerd. I was playing as my elf character and in all honesty I made the elf look like Jack. He had a very petite and curvy figure. He had pale skin and ocean blue eyes. He also had Jacks lime green hair. He looked just like Jack, except for the pointy ears and clothes made out of leaves. I was playing for what seemed like hours. I was getting frustrated about a boss I couldn't beat. I logged off and decided to check on all the guys. The guys were entertaining the customers and Jack was serving drinks. Damn he looks hot in that outfit. I was watching him serving drinks and just staring at his body for a while. When I came back to reality I decided to go talk to him. I walked over to the bar and Jack noticed me and smiled. "Hi Markimoo" he said happily. "Hi kitten" I replied. "You want a drink?" He asked me. I nodded and he poured me some whisky. "Your favorite" he said smiling at me. I winked at him and drank the whiskey. "Awww what a cute couple" We heard a voice say. We looked over and saw a guy with hot pink hair smiling at us. I smiled "thanks" I said kissing Jacks cheek. Jack blushed and smiled.

Time skip

It was finally time to close and I couldn't wait. I saw Jack and the guys come out of the changing rooms in their normal clothes. All the guys waved at us. "Haaaaave fun" midnight said smiling. I blushed and they all left. I looked over to Jack who was smiling. I walked over and hugged him giving a sigh. "Finally" I whispered just loud enough for him to hear. He giggled and hugged me back. "So where are we going on the date?" He asked me. "Its a suprise, but first we gotta go home and get ready, I smell" I said the last part in a funny voice making Jack laugh.

Time skip

Jacks pov

Me and Mark pulled into the apartment driveway. Mark and me walked into his house. I sat down on the couch, Mark kissed my cheek and walked into the bathroom, I blushed and smiled. I heard the shower start and turned on the tv while I waited. I found my self thinking about Mark in the shower. I let out a small moan as my boner rubbed against the fabric of my pants. I thought about Marks wet chest, his soaked huge cock, his wet perfect ass. I didn't even realize at first but I started to stroke myself. I started to rub faster and faster. I moaned as I moved my other hand up my shirt and began to stroke my nipple. Oh God I'm close. I tried to hide a moan by biting down on my hoodie as I came. I let my hands fall and I was panting. I heard the shower stop and saw Mark walk out in a fancy suit, his hair was styled and he was wearing Cologne. My jaw dropped. Mark smirked at me "You like what you see?" He asked me. I just silently nodded. He walked over to me and put his face by the side of my face "I bet you'll look even better" he whispered in my ear. I shivered and blushed. God he's sexy. I kissed his cheek and walked into the bedroom to get some fancy clothes. Great the only fancy clothes I have are a black sweater, black skinny jeans, and black boots. I hope Mark won't mind. I grabbed the clothes and walked into the bathroom. I turned on the water and made sure every part of me was perfectly clean. I got out and dried myself off. After my hair was dry I styled it. It looked pretty good. I got into my clothes and put on some Cologne. I looked at myself in the mirror. I guess I look pretty good. I put my dirty clothes in the laundry bin and stepped out into the living room. Mark was there checking his phone. He heard me close the bathroom door and turned his attention to me. He blushed and smiled from ear to ear. "You look amazing kitten" he said. I blushed and rubbed the back of my neck "t-thank you, so do you" I said. He smiled "Thank you" he said. He put his hand out "Ready to go?". I smiled and held his hand intertwining our fingers. Mark is such a gentleman, he even held the car door open for me. I kissed his cheek and stepped in. He got into his seat and we drove off. The city looks so beautiful at night. "Mark look at all the pretty lights" I told him. He looked around and smiled "Its beautiful, like you" he said. I blushed and smiled at him.

Time skip

Me and Mark pulled into a really expensive looking restaurant. The sign said it was five stars! My door opened and I saw Mark holding it open smiling at me. I got out of the car and walked in with him. Mark talked to the guy in the front and a waiter escorted us to our table. It had a white table cloth and a candle in the middle. Mark pulled out my chair for me. I smiled and sat down, he winked at me and sat in his own chair. The waiter came and took our orders, I got the steak and Mark got the chicken. We were eating,drinking wine, and just talking. We finished our meal and left the restaurant. Me and him got back in the car. "That dinner was great" I said smiling. Mark nodded in agreement. "And this nights not over yet" said Mark smiling. And we were off to our next destination.

Time skip

We pulled in front of a park. Mark stepped out and helped me out, I smiled and we started walking down the path hand in hand. "This is so romantic" I said resting my head on Marks shoulder. He smiled and kissed my forehead. Then I saw the greatest view I've ever seen. It was on the edge of the cliff, it was nothing but the ocean for miles, the full moon was out and reflected by the water. It was beautiful. I smiled at Mark and he smiled back at me. He took my hands in his. He looked at me with his sparkling eyes and slowly moved forward and connected our lips. My eyes fluttered closed as I kissed him back. He carressed my cheek with on hand and held my back with the other. I wrapped my arms his neck as we kissed. He pulled away and smiled at me staring into my eyes. "Jack over the while we've know each other I've slowly fallen in love with you". I smiled as tears pricked at my eyes. "Will you be my boyfriend?" He asked me. I smiled widely and let the tears go. "Yes" I said wrapping my arms around him. He hugged me back and kissed my cheek.


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