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I AM TAGGED BY bffs4evr
1) You must post all rules
2) You must tag 15 people
3) You must post 10 facts about yourself
4) You must answer the following questions
5) You must ask 13 questions for he tagged users
6) You cannot say you don't do tags
7) You must complete this tag within a week - WOOPS, I definitely failed that one... Meh.
#Don't forget to say who tagged you

10 facts about me:
1) I love animals
2) I love music
2) I love chocolate
3) I hate school
4) ...but I want to go to university
5) I feel like birthdays are just telling us that we are one year closer to death... But at the same time they are telling us we've survived another year of life...
6) I get distracted easily - OH LOOK A BIRD, just a sec...
7) I really like listening to music in the car, so when I look out the window I can think about life.........
8) I have a little note book that I fill with original quotes :)
9) I'm very sarcastic
10) I love writing stories, but I can never get myself to focus enough to finish a book 😡 (so I'm going to try really hard on Wattpad)

Questions for me:
1) What's your fave pet?

2) What kind of dress would you want on your wedding?
Well I've never though about that before so I have no idea. It would probably have lace though.

3) What's your fave band?
I definitely can't choose THERE'S TOO MANY. (If you haven't notice already I'm horrible at decision making.)

4) Do you like drawing?
Definitely, I draw in my spare time.

5) Have you ever had a crush on someone who is shorter than you?
No, I'm not that tall anyway 🙃

6) Are you smart or terrible at studies?
I get good grades, but my study habits are [insert poo emoji here].... I'm working on it tho.

7) Do you like reading more or writing?
AGAIN WITH THE DECISION MAKING....  I'd say reading, but it's a close call.
55% reading > 45% writing

8) Do you like shopping with your friends or staying at home eating pizza and watching Netflix with your BFF?
I'd choose watching Netflix.
60% Netflix and chill (WITH PIZZA) > 40% shopping

9) Do you like makeup?
Not really

10) Do you like reading Wattpad books more or real books?
Real books

11) Cats or dogs?

12) Who is your celebrity crush?
I honestly don't have one.

13) When is the last time you cried?
I don't remember, sometime this year?

I tag:

Since I don't know anybody, I just chose randomly, sorry!

My Questions for you:
1) What is your favourite colour?
2) What is your best subject in school?
3) If you could pick only one superpower, what would it be?
4) Do you like Nutella?
5) Would you rather be a pickle or a jar?
6) What is your favourite song?
7) Do you have a pet? (If you do, what is it?)
8) What's the first word you think of when I say....
9) Is Wattpad awesome?
10) What's something you cannot live without? (I'll be fine if you say air, lol)
11) Who is you're favourite You Tuber?
12) QUICK SAY A RANDOM SENTENCE! What did you say?
13) Another fact about yourself :)

KAY bye.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2016 ⏰

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