Ch. 26 ~His Maiden, in Eternal Slumber~

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Ciel sat in a rowboat as Sebastian paddled. The drove the boat down the river and Ciel saw the dead bodies, even some in the river. By now the city was still in flames  and it was quiet after all the living people fled. "Where are we going?" Ciel asked staring ahead. "Here in England there are several bridges named 'Devil's Bridge,' so called because legend has it they were made by demons. To contrast, the Tower Bridge is a holy bridge and there's no doubt that the angel instructed Her Majesty to built it." Sebastian explained. They were getting more near the Tower Bridge and Ciel stared on, having strength that they would save Mystery on time.


 Mystery's eyes opened slowly and she weakly sat up, hugging her cloak around her as the chilling wind blew threw. She gasped when she saw all of the city in flames and she wondered how she got here. She heard a man chuckling and turned her head a bit to see Ashe looking out to London. "Beautiful isn't it? All of the unclean ones will be diminished and you will make this world full of clean ones." Ashe said and he turned to Mystery with a smile. Mystery knew that Ashe and Angela were the same person from what Sebastian had said to her and that they were after her. 

 Ashe walked towards her and crouched down in front of her still smiling. "H-How did I get here?" Mystery asked. Ashe chuckled. "Put you under my spell and made you find me but not before you did errands for me..." "What errands....?" Mystery asked nervously. "I made you end the Queen's life." Ashe said. Mystery's eyes widen in shock and didn't expect herself to do such a thing. "But don't worry darling, the Queen was unclean and she needed to go, besides she's the one who killed your parents" Ashe said, but Mystery already knew from Ciel.  "It's quite a shame really..." Ashe said and Mystery looked at him and he held her chin up. "In order to gain my wish, I will have to do something drastic to you. And you are a beautiful maiden. I won't be able to have my way with you" Ashe said making Mystery panic and next thing she knew, her dress ripped into two leaving her in her naked form and she quickly wrapped her red cloak around her. Mystery then gave Ashe a glare but didn't work on him. "In order to make this world clean, I must sacrifice the purest of all when she is brought into this world like as a baby is." Ashe said meaning she needed to be unclothed just like a first born baby. "Now, it will all end here..." Ashe said but then sensed something and looked far down.

 He had sensed Sebastian and Ciel were approaching and it changed his plans. "It seems we've been interrupted, my maiden. You must sleep now, for your pure eyes shall not see anymore unclean" Ashe and Angela's voices mixed together and before Mystery could react, Ashe kissed her with force and Mystery fought back. It was quick and she fell back asleep and the Ashe gently laid her on the ground. Ashe turned and saw Sebastian carrying Ciel and both of them saw what just happened. Sebastian looked angry as ever and Ashe greedily licked his lips making Sebastian glare hard at him. 

 "Why did you kill the Queen?" Ciel asked. "Her eyes should have been fixed on the future, but they were held captive by the past and they dulled and rotted away. But there was nothing for me to do but make the Maiden in Red end her life." Ashe said looking at the city again. Sebastian had placed Ciel down to sit. "This seat is uncomfortable, but I believe it has the best view in the house." Sebastian said. "Your orders, my Lord?" Ciel took his eye patch off. "Kill him... Kill the angel and save Anastasia!" Ciel ordered. Sebastian's eyes glowed. "Yes, my Lord" Sebastian said while kneeling and bowing to his master. 

 "When this bridge is completed, it will seal London from uncleanliness. I have no choice but to purge any demons upon this gate." Ashe said taking out his sword. "Answer this then. How will you use Mystery to gain your wish?" Sebastian asked. Ashe chuckled and smirked at the demon. "I must sacrifice the purest of all to make a clean world. In other words, I must kill her" Ashe then chuckled insanely and Ciel's eyes widen and gasped. Sebastian made no hesitation at attacking the angel when her heard those two words- kill her.

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