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Hippolyta sat by herself, silently in her room. She sat on her bed with a poised posture with her blade in hand, its smooth and cold surfacing touching Hippolyta's warm hand.

The Queen of the Amazons was in deep thought, although honestly she was beginning to think on more and more things as they days go by. Since she has became the Amazonian Queen, Hippolyta has begun to see why her sister had to be so strong and resilient.

Leading a vast civilization that is so independent and so lively is hard, especially because its hard to please everyone.

Penthesilea, Hippolyta's older sister and the Queen prior, was what the Amazons needed, she was stronger, smarter, and had the belief of all her people.

All Hippolyta's life was in preparation of becoming Queen, so that one day she would have to face Penthesilea in the face of combat. If you wanted to be Queen, then you had to prove that you were worthy, which means you have to be the strongest in all categories. Though in the end, the Queen prior must fall to the hand of the competitor.

If Hippolyta was being honest with herself, she would say Penthesilea would have defeated her, if things have gone the traditional way. This was not to say she doesn't deserve the right to be Queen, but the fact is, Hippolyta wouldn't have been ready to face Penthesilea.

The blonde haired Amazon examined her blade as she watched her reflection upon the clear resolution of its surface. Penthesilea died in combat, she died in honor of the Amazons. The next in line for Queenship was Hippolyta making her the exception rather than the honored. Hippolyta thanks the gods every day that she didn't have to fight her sister, what could have been, to the death for the title of Queen.

Although, Hippolyta wanted to be Queen and if it meant killing her own sister, she was willing to do it. She was apart of the Royal Family, she had to follow and enforce the laws. Especially when the Royal Family wanted everyone else to follow the laws,  they had to do the same even if it means to honorably kill one another.

Although, Hippolyta was so disgusted with herself for being so clouded with the ambitions of becoming Queen. Hippolyta couldn't see how it was destroying her, she realized it in herself that she wasn't as great as a leader as Penthesilea was.

Although she would be damned if any of her other members of the Royal Family, her sisters, would take the crown. Antiope is a very smart woman and would excel as a political leader, but the downside of her is that she wouldn't survive long in battle.

Orithyia is a woman built for war and could stand her own in battle, though she is too hotheaded to make any levelheaded decision.

Penthesilea and Hippolyta were the only good choices for Queen-ship because they both had the qualities to be Queen. Everyone would agree that both were fine choices. Although, it was apparent to Hippolyta that Penthesilea was the best between the both of them.

Penthesilea is dead now, killed by Heracles, which is a long story in itself. Hippolyta cannot dwell too long in those who have already passed because her eldest sister is living in Elysium now. Where she rests in peace with the other Amazons.

Hippolyta is Queen now and there was nothing she could do about it unless she wanted to step down as Queen. Honestly, Hippolyta does find being Queen very humbling. Seeing the growth of her people humbles the Queen of the Amazons, which keeps her to continue her long lasting reign.

Out of respect of Penthesilea, Hippolyta hasn't changed any of the Amazonian traditions and laws. Her eldest sister created those laws that has helped Themiscrya survive for so long. 

Hippolyta doesn't see any reason in changing the belief system of Themiscrya. The laws have been protecting the Amazons and keeping them in line, if they were to change, then the future would be uncertain.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2017 ⏰

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